Another New Record

Heres an example from long ago

"Last-but-one I had to write a report, which was then mis-translated into Chinese, and then I had to answer questions on the Chinese version (which was not what happened, and which I couldn’t read), while attempting to minimise conflict.

It was tricky. I gave up on the conflict-minimisation after a while.

It had been a spreadsheet error which had lowered some students grades by about 10%. No pass/fail differences IIRC.

Cttee member : “It says here there were student complaints. How many students complained?”

Me: “No, I’m afraid that is also incorrect. No students complained.”

Cttee member: “Then how was the error detected”

Me: “I noticed it and reported it the day after the grade submission deadline”

Cttee member (slightly incredulous) “You reported it?”

Me: “Yes”

Cttee members look at each other nonplussed. There’s an embarrassed shuffling of papers. Eventually, one asks:-

“Ah…Is this because of your religion?”

Me: (Now its my turn to look nonplussed)

“Er…No. I don’t have any religion”

More baffled glances…then an especially Westernised prof, says, in a going-out-on-a-limb-here kinda way…

“Um…Is it perhaps a…well…honour code thing?”

I think for a moment: " You mean…telling the truth…um…yes, I suppose you could say that"

The assembled company nod sagely, and move on."