Answer My Question With A Question

No, I just wondered, is that ok?

No it’s not ok, do you always talk to yourself?

Who in the woild talks to themselves wit’ the keyboard, for cryin’ out loud? Shouldn’t you go out and have a walk already?


what? what? what did you say? Can you speak up? can you speak into my hearing aid, sonny?

What are you deaf?

What? you got a problem with that, kid? (Why can’t they just let an old man be?) Why don’t you run along and go play in the street?

Why don’t we do it in the road?

Did you know if you throw stones on the road at night, the stones make sparks?

Any kind of stones?

Exactly what it is that you want?

What was said while I was gone?

Should we stop talking about you now?

Do you love the art of combustion?

Who farted?

Is it fum pi or fan pi?