Anxiety and Depression

If hogging machines is a problem where you work out, I highly recommend learning how to do exercises using dumbbells. Waiting for a machine or bench is a real waste of time. Everything should be available on YouTube.

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I do deadlifts on free weights, I don’t see any machines that offers even similar motion.

I don’t know why people hog ab machines, but someone would get on an ab machine and use it for hours. It doesn’t help that each gym only has one.

At least for chest presses there are multiple machines that has similar motion.

TL, you don’t seem to be reading my posts. You can do deadlifts with dumbbells, especially at the weight you’re using. And there are 100 different ways to work your abs, and it’s good to switch things up anyway probably especially with abs.


It’s because everyone wants a 6 pack and think spending all day on an ab machine is the way to get it.

Or, it’s a comfortable machine to dick around on your phone


A friend set up a pop up art show on a rail trail in the Catskills. Very nice answer to my anxiety which is sky high.


Stupid question: why?

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I’m under a lot of stress and when that happens I try to fix what’s wrong which involves lots of future projection.

And I don’t mean to be curt with you, but I’m not about to release the kraken of my woes, despite this place being the bandwidth of brothers. :laughing:

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I think anyone who deals with anxiety will relate. For us Christians, we are told not to worry, don’t be afraid, etc. over 300 times in the bible. There’s a good reason for this. And something my brother told me recently: we really don’t have control over anything and that’s a hard thing to accept. I’m still trying to decide if I agree with that statement.

Edit: We don’t control anything really which is a freaky thing to accept. (his exact words)

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I control what I post. That’s enough sometimes.

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I have about as much control over my life as a canoe in a raging typhoon in the middle of the pacific, or so I found out. My entire life has essentially been steered by unseen forces completely outside of my control.

Right now everything I have, from income to jobs to every situation is literally me just being a spectator and being tested on how I react to it (I’m sure I failed).

Bible says not to worry and all that, but at the same time Christians seem to worry a lot, because they wanted to be responsible I guess.

But that passage in Matthews says God wouldn’t let us starve yet people starve to death every day, but then again he sends people to invent GMO crops so people don’t starve… I mean after all the first thing your parent says to get you to eat that nasty vegetable is guilt trip about kids in africa.

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So you blame electricity for being on day in and day out?

I don’t.

You have the ability to control your response. It’s why I like reading the Stoics. Process life faster and without all the hubbub.

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Reality is less epic: you have control over some stuff, and you don’t have it over some other.

Lately I was freaking out because I had little control over my luck/success; nothing good came my way.

All I have control over is basically whether or not to accept a job given to me. I have very limited control over the amount of jobs coming, but I can decide to do them or not. That’s it.

You have control over how many jobs you’re offered. Or, at least, how many jobs you could be offered


So anxiety comes after you conscious or unconsciously detecting a danger (over which you don’t have much control, at least initially) so that you get ready for it. Then you can either do something or not, and you can fight or just accept it and give up. The latter lowers down the anxiety, but doesn’t always help to get out from the danger. But sometimes it is good to be cool and relaxed so that your actions are smarter and more effective.

This has been discussed in 23 other threads, but you have opportunities to try and increase your earnings. People have given many suggestions and ideas for this.

Ultimately though, that’s the deal when you’re working for yourself - work comes and goes and the amount varies over time. If you consistently don’t have work and you can’t be bothered doing what’s necessary to get more, it suggests that you might be better off either being an employee with a guaranteed income or adjusting what you’re trying to sell so your business is more sustainable.

To add to your analogy, this is exactly what would happen if the canoeist sits there complaining that he can’t do anything about it (or posting to Forumosa from his satphone).

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I’ve found that luck comes to those who work the hardest doing what they enjoy. Despite the sky raining TCBoyle’s shit storm on me, I still find that I have incredible luck and good fortune. If I’m lucky I feel I’m on the right path. It’s a bit esoteric, but so am I. :bomb:

Meh on the danger; more like the uncomfortable unknown.