Any Baguazhang/Pa kua chang teacher in Taichung?

Hey guys,

…title pretty much says it all, I just moved to Taichung a month ago, I am 22 and have practised several martial arts for 12+ years but never had a good teacher, I am looking for an authentic teacher in Taichung or closeby, mainly interested in Baguazhang/Neigong

Any help is very appreciated.

Greetings to everybody , Benjamin

not familiar with 八卦掌 teachers… but doing a search shows:

Baguazhang teacher claiming to have taught for 35 years.

台中市太極八卦掌協會 Taichung city Baguazhang association
Address: 台中市南屯區大墩四街433號2樓
Tel: 04-2381-8579

Thank you for the information, I will visit that association, but I dont know if thats exactly what I am looking for, I am looking for a traditional teacher to teach me 1 on 1 or in a small group, i am willing to invest a lot of time and effort, i have just had too many bad experiences with mainstream “associations” of different martial arts that take your money, want you to buy a uniform and in the end its not the real art… if anybody knows of a traditional teacher in and around taichung i would be very grateful, anyway I will stop by that place, hansioux.