Any experience with Poste Restante?

Does anyone have any experience/advice about using Poste Restante in Taiwan? This would be me mailing a couple of boxes from the UK to a Taipei post office, and collecting them from the post office once they’ve arrived.

I saw this mentioned on some other topics but I couldn’t see anything within the last 20 years which says it’s been used successfully.

The Post Office website says it’s still doable: Welcome to Chunghwa POST - Postal Services

But it doesn’t say which specific Taipei post offices will accept Poste Restante deliveries. Could anyone tell me which is the ‘main’ post office in the city, or at least a big one where there’s a better chance they’ll accept.


There’s a big post office close to the Taipei main station, next to that north gate thing (technically more close to Beimen MRT than Taipei main).

I imagine that’s the post office where post restante shipment goes. It’s a huge post office, and the building itself is actually a historical building.

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wow, talk about throw back Thursday… i used it in 2006, to the post office near daan park (north east corner of daan park)

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because, it can be any post office. if you want to pick it up on a weekend, it should be a big one.

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So for the benefit of the op, how do you specify which post office to pick up at?

you need to write the post office you want on your box with your name etc.

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The link above says this though. It’s a bit confusing

If the addressee does not have a fixed residence for delivery, the sender may send the mail to a post office, where poste restante service is available, to be collected later on by the recipient at the post office with his/her identification documents.

In the last year I’ve mailed several packages to Taiwan with poste restante and had no trouble collecting them from the post office. I had my name and phone as the receiver, address of the post office and (存局候領)[Poste Restante] at the end of the address. After the tracking website shows that it arrived at the post office, I just show them the package number and my ARC. To be safe it’s better to use a bigger post office, and you may even be able to collect it from the warehouse after the regular working hours (of the front desk). If you plan to go after working hours I advise to call them so they can prepare the package, it will be a lot quicker.

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The post office seems to be one of the few government agencies that are actually effective.

Makes me wonder where are Taiwan’s priority at.

It’s fairly obvious: mail and bribing voters with tax refunds. Not so much on traffic rule enforcement or efficiency in the banking system.

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Or protecting workers from abusive employers…

fyi, I tried this with UPS, and they ended up holding it at the UPS facility for me to pick up. Said they can’t deliver to post offices.

What would you expect, UPS can’t even deliver to PO boxes, let alone to a post office…

Thank you very much everyone for your help! I’ll find one of the bigger Taipei post offices and send my stuff there.