Any Greek restaurants in Taipei?

Sure enough, Google translates it to:
Vanilla barbecue lamb ribs

For more amusing entertainment, try Google translation of Japanese.

I guess the place mentioned on the first page of this thread is “Greek Go” (希臘左巴). I wandered by yesterday and grabbed a business card, but didn’t try it (I was on my way somewhere else for lunch). The place is actually a chain, with several branches, and a website with almost no English (but complete menus in Chinese). The restaurant looked nice enough inside - the menu posted outside, with very limited English, seemed mildly promising.

I’m in the Gongguan area about once a month, but it has such a fantastic concentration of interesting places to eat - I never know where to go!

Yongkang branch: 台北市麗水街7巷1號
Lishui Street, Lane 7, No. 1
(02) 2321-2129

Shida: 台北市師大路59巷5號
Shida Road, Lane 59, No. 5
(02) 2366-0583

Taida branch: 台北市羅斯福路三段283巷7弄16號
Roosevelt Road, Section 3, Lane 23, Alley 7, No. 16
(02) 2363-3925

Hello .

I have friend from French, but he can cook Greek food ,
before he worked in Greek restaurant , he want to find chef job in Taiwan
but don’t know the Greek restaurants are popular here?

Does anyone can give some information about it

Thank you .

If I recall correctly, there’s one on 永康街, but I think it’s a cafe, not a restaurant. Google tells me it’s called Syros.

Taipei doesn’t have many Greek restaurants.

Opa has been getting some good word of mouth.

And Greek Go (a.k.a. Xīlà Zuǒbā / 希臘左巴 / Zorba the Greek) has three restaurants: Yongkang Jie, Shi-Da, and Tai-Da.

Thanks for cranky laowai .

It looks very useful information.

There’s a big one in Tainan, if he doesn’t mind moving.

Unfortunately, the only thing Greek about this place is the name and the logo.

There’s one near Shida called MyKonos: [url][/url]. Haven’t tried it, so I’m not sure how Greek it actually is.

I liked Opa much more than Greek Go. I haven’t tried Mykonos.

Thanks guys, now I’m hungry for Greek food. And since I live in Taoyuan, it’s going to be a good long while since I can satisfy that. Thanks again. -_-

Opa is pretty good. I went there recently and the only thing I didn’t like was the hummus size (pretty small). The rest, food and service, was excellent.

[color=#408000]Moderator’s note: I’ve moved this from Working in Taiwan to the Restaurant forum, as the thread has turned into a review :wink:[/color]

Opa is not bad, but yeah the portion is quite small, but overall it is good, worth trying


Greek restaurant: Taipei Souvlaki / 我愛希臘捲餅. Sort of near Raohe Night Market, I guess? It’s in an area of Taipei I very seldom go to, and I got there by bike today, so I’m not entirely sure how it connects to different places. Plenty of different skewers (kebabs?) served as platters or in wraps. I enjoyed the kefta (ground beef-lamb mix) wrap today, but I hadn’t eaten in seven hours, and I was two hours into a bike ride, so I’d probably have enjoyed anything.

Just a streetside place - not fine dining. But worth a try if you’re in the area. I hope below is a Facebook link, although it’s just showing up as “Log in to Facebook” for me.


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