Love em? Hate em? Never effin heard of em? Well let me know. We are trying to firgure out if it’s worthwhile to bring them here for a show. Less Than Jake are an up beat, power chording ska/pop punk band from Gainseville, USA. We need to know, would you buy a ticket to go see Less Than Jake in Taipei? Pending positive responses to this post and other efforts, we will decide whether or not we can justify bringing them out for a night of boot skankin’ hoo haa to be remembered for all time. So please let us know. thanks
the management.
Damned right I would. Probably a few others here, too. But we’re just a handful of expats. You need to find out how many locals would pay to see what to them is a no-name band playing non-mandopop and non-hiphop music. Unfortunately.
Take a look at the thread on here about this year’s Formoz Festival. Maybe you could contact the organizer of that show and get some better information. He brings over a few name acts and gets and an audience for them, too.
I havent seen those dudes in about 8 or 9 years I didn’t even know they were still around.
Well, NoFX played 2 nights. That’s something to go by.