Any List Of Places Where I Can Volunteer In Taiwan?


I’m looking for opportunities to help those around me. I’m not looking to get paid, for a place to stay or anything like that. I simply want to do this. Done it before, brought me a lot of joy.

From what I’ve searched online, I can either work in a hostel (which is not something I want, I want to focus on charity) or work on a farm. Does anyone know a place where I can find such opportunities? A female friend of mine used to go every weekend to help build a house for the homeless. That’s the kind of stuff I’m eager for.

Thank you.

This is not a direct answer to your request, but might give you some idea.

How about cleaning up a beach or something similar?

I will appreciate a lot if anyone cleans up streets voluntarily.

I know a couple IT companies where the pay is so shite it feels like you’re volunteering :idunno:

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It might be a little harder to set up, but there are loads of private orphanages/group homes around who would love to have like a (gratis) Saturday or Sunday afternoon English time for the kids.

You can volunteer here on Forumosa by serving us as a moderator.


They would probably prefer something where people don’t hate them and wish they’d fall in a big hole.

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My house needs a good clean.

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No, you can’t do this. The whole work-for-room thing is illegal and requires a work permit.

What would be the first step? I like working with kids. I don’t have any experience in teaching English but I do speak English so… :slight_smile:

If your Chinese needs help, get a local to help you look them up, on the Internet, I assume.

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Much appreciated.

MOWES is a awesome community center In Taipei that may need a volunteer. Here is their website

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Hi, I’m late to the thread.

I’d love to do something like this. I worked as a language teacher for years, and I sometimes miss teaching. I don’t have a qualification re young learners, but I do know some theory (and have kids of my own).

I’d appreciate any suggestions/advice. I’m in Taipei.