Anyone going to the Olympics In Beijing?

I was wondering if anyone would be going next year? If so, have you gotten your tickets for any event yet? Flight tickets, place to stay? Visa? Will booking flight tickets be hard? Do the airlines raise their prices for the event period? Thanks!

Flight? Boring! If going to Beijing, take the Kowloon (Hong Kong)-Beijing through train. You get to see the country and people instead of clouds. There is a through train from Hong Kong to Shanghai, too.

I was living in Sydney when the Olympics were there and I didn’t go to see anything (and hardly watched any of it on TV), so no, I won’t be going to Beijing for them.

I will avoid it like the plague. Olympics means jacked up hotel prices and hordes of tourists.

I’ll be holding an Alternative Olympics here in Chiayi. :beer: :smiling_imp:

I wonder what would happen to us if we wore our forumosa T-shirts in BeiJing?

Off topic, but related in a sporty way, The Taiwan Typhoon, Taiwan’s all-star touring hockey team is taking yours truly to play a CNY tourney in Ulan Bator (I am putting the “goalie” in Mon"Goalie"a), with an exhibition game on the moat of The Forbidden City in PeKing. Jaboney, can I take your hockey jersey for that ex. game?

The logo didn’t stick real well to that jersey, and I may be doing a hockey camp in Beijing just after you guys wrap up in Mongoaliea. But I suppose we can work something out… so long as you don’t yak all over it.