Anyone here riding a single speed or fixie?

So I have always been intrigued by the simplicity of a single speed, love their look.

Was able to buy a used one last week, pretty rusted, but cleaned up pretty well after a day of hard work.

Will built it with some used parts which i really have to get rid off, including rebuilding a Campagnolo rear wheel into a 120mm version … Not sure that will work.

Anyway, my question is about the gearing; what do people ride here, and where do they ride with it (flats, hills, mountain).
It came with 46/17, but I am thinking going 46/18 or maybe 44/17 or 18.
Any advice appreciated.


Why the hell did you post this in buy and sell?

Dammit it moved as I typed.

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The quirks of a phone … But changed while u were typing … Any advice on the gearing? :sunglasses:

This guy is in Taiwan, he’s a popular fixie YouTube channel.


My shifter broke and it’s stuck in 4th gear.

Simping around the neighborhood it’s fine but nothing more.

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Ah, great find, forgot all about him.

Fixed gear is beyond me. Worth heading over to Faith Gear to chat them up and see if they have any advice.

Nabiis cycles probably doesn’t look like a fixie shop, but I’m sure someone in the shop or visiting could share some insight.

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Paging @urodacus

Hope you at least put a front brake on. Your Campy hub will not have a lock ring to keep the cog on. Probably ok but something to consider. For gearing if it too low you will be spinning like crazy going downhill and vice versa. I will stay on the flats.

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Hi guys, been away from f’mosa for a while.

Hey @ericinformosa : I used to get away commuting in Taipei with a 42-17. Single speed mostly. i still run 42-17 on my track bike here in Okinawa, but i can’t climb much with that.

in Taipei I pushed myself up some big climbs but never Datunshan. Mostly commuting the graveyard to Academia Sinica, and it was fine for that. I would not want to go to anything much bigger.

nice looking bike by the way. nice and relaxed front end, and your weight sits back (although that will make skids harder, if that’s your thing). I much preferred clipless pedals than those pedal flaps, though. but I see how they work with sneakers.

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Thanks for all reply.

I kind of made up my mind after some more riding, will convert it to a single speed, will retain the 46T front ring for now, and buy a 18T freewheel for the rear, then see from there.
Should give me a start close to the @urodacus gearing advice.

I like the concept of a single gear, pushing the limits a bit further (I hope), but not looking for all the typical fixie stuff …

Painted the rims, flipped the handlebar, changed those pedal flaps for clipless pedals, new tires, and some more.
Still sorting out some remaining parts, including some cheapo deeper dish wheels … for the look.
Should be ready to go next week.


Oh I like it … a lot …
Back to basics


growing up in taiwan all we had were fixies. I was very jealous when a friend got an english made bike with 3 speeds on the rear hub. Thought that was not much of a difference. Then finally the 12 speed came along.

Single speeds not fixies. A fixie has no fly hub so you have to keep pedaling forwards or fall off.

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clown bikes/ track bikes c’mon you’re from frisco.

I think Rivendell might be more your speed. Check em out. They’re in Walnut Creek I think. Overpriced mamcharis but very cool. I have a surly that is like a poor man’s rivendell

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You could pedal forward but also not pedal right? Just freewheel. Unless your pedals were perpetually rotating that ain’t a fixie.

On some fixies you can’t turn the handlebars to steer. You can only ride straight ahead.


I miss the fixie. I’m probably too old but there is guys in their 70s still doing this shit. I dream about the return to fixie. It helps you be a better cyclist.

Barking your shins is a good trainer.