Anyone know an English speaking podiatrist?

It is not a recognized profession in Taiwan for medicine I believe.

all I have found is this

I’m gonna see this woman at Macay. She is rehabilitation specialist, speaks English well, and did her research in osteoporosis. Focuses on pain rehabilitation.

Yeah, no podiatrists in Taiwan. I had a seriously ingrown toenail last year and was told to see a dermatologist for that. Went to my local clinic and was offered a shot of some pain killer for $100 or none in order to cut out the toenail. I chose the pain free route. She gave me a shot and proceeded to stick the scissors right under my toenail. I inquired if she didn’t have to wait a few minutes to let the pain killer do its job and she said that that wasn’t necessary. It hurt like a mother fucker! But, thankfully it didn’t last too long. It was then yanked out and all was well. I suspect that some doctors here are still a bit behind on standard procedures. Sort of like how so many have a hard time wrapping their brains around germ theory.