Anyone working in the field of data science?

I’m starting some data science courses in udemy. Wondering if it would be easy to get a job in Taiwan in this field later on? Care to share some tips?

Anyone who is interested to learn also and perhaps we can be study buddies? I’m committing myself to 30 hours of learning time a week.

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I’m curious to know what the job market’s like in TW for data science too. I’ve thought of making the transition (I’ve been working on and off on front-end stuff over the last few years), but I worry that the job requirements are gonna be ridonkulous which kind of discourages me :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Employers hiring data scientists are looking for candidates with degrees in STEM

Isn’t that obvious?

just finished google data analytics. working on diving deeper into R. anyone who is on the same learning journey?