App to find road side parking spots?

Are there any apps to find road side parking spots?

I have been using the app called “停車大聲公” to locate available parking spaces, and so far, my experience with it has been satisfactory.

However, it’s important to note that finding free parking spots near popular attractions can be challenging at times. To avoid any inconvenience, I recommend planning your trip in advance and determining where you intend to park before heading out.

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Is there any way to filter out all the paid car parks through that app?
I’m looking for road side spots only since I’m usually trying to return the 路邊組還 iRent cars.

Yes, you can check for roadside parking spots on the app. However, please note that the app only displays the locations of parking spots and does not indicate their availability.

Sometimes you can see white dots that should mean there is available space , but probably once you arrive there then someone else already took the parking space

Taipei city has a parking website which also tell you the road side spots [路邊車位動態(停車率)] This website functions similarly to the app, as it also shows you areas where there is a higher probability of finding a parking space.

So, while the app and the parking website can assist you in locating roadside spots, they primarily offer information on the general availability and likelihood of finding a parking space in certain areas.

I haven’t used 路邊組還 , only 同站租還 because at least there are more chance to get parking space when you return the I-rent car ,
In situations where the parking lot is full and you need to wait for a car to vacate a spot, it can be inconvenient. However, I-rent provides a solution to this issue. By informing their customer service about the situation, you can request additional time without incurring any penalties. This allows you the flexibility to wait for a parking space to become available.


Thank you, I will test this out!

I wonder how that works
