Apple Taipei store not taking returns?

Don’t expect any returns or after sales support in Taiwan. You are really on your own. Unfortunately Taiwan’s consumer protection laws is kinda lax and unless you are dealing with actual chains that have their refund policies, most of them basically have no refund policy. Everything is sold as is in Taiwan.

Buy only from retailers that have actual return policy, like Costco.

This is a huge contrast in the US where all retailers have a 30 day or so return policy because this is required by law.

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Nor do we celebrate china…Wtf?

Taiwan has a 7day policy nationwide. Otherwise, exactly right. And, frankly, 7 days seems fair. If it takes a month to use, abuse and send back, its just wasting resources. Taiwan could use some warranty reform, however.

The 7 day thing seems to be really loose, because I bought stuff from a hardware store and wanted to return it shortly after because the thing is useless or whatever. They will not accept returns on them if there is even the slightest hint of use.

Warranty sucks too because there have been some very expensive guitars sold here, at inflated prices, that have severe issues, and warranty for them is nonexistent. Basically expect to be given the runaround if anything you buy have warranty problems.

This is part of the reason why I buy from Taobao. They actually have warranty and returns. Sometimes they will issue partial return if I am able to fix the damage.

This seems to be the page for Apple Taiwan’s refund policies. I can’t see anything about an exception they’d have for holidays that aren’t celebrated here. Nor anything about Chinese New Year.

Ya its not great here. But to play devils advocate, i am wanting MORE buyer beware type responsibility here. There are millions of packages sent back to momo and related shopping sites from people buying online, just to see it, then sending them back. Its a disgusting waste of resources. So it goes both ways.

Apple Taiwan doesn’t follow the 7-day return policy. If you buy something in person, even if you don’t open it, you cannot return it within 7 days. I wasn’t able to return an unopened magic keyboard within the first week. Only if you buy online. Not sure the logic in that rule.

This is for online purchases only and can come with some conditions. Some retailers apply 7 days or better to bricks and mortar stores, Costco being the best, RT Mart do 30 days, Carrefour 7 if I remember correctly.

China is not a holiday.

Christmas is. Also, Christmas is a holiday that involves widespread gift giving. Many of these gifts are going to be purchased by people as early as November and opened at the end of December. This is why the policy is in place for those countries, because companies know that people will not be using many of these purchases until December and that a 7-14 day return policy is not feasible if a purchase is going to be sitting under a tree/closet for a month unopened and unused.

Taiwan does not have a gift-giving holiday. Taiwan’s big holiday of the year is Chinese New Year and they primarily give each other cash.

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They’re following the legal minimum. Online has a 7 day return policy mandate.

I wa laughing at this part of the quote:

“I wonder why the difference - is it some carry over policy from China”

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Oh damn, i thought it was all retail products. Most ztores i go, even the super local ones, honor the 7 day norm.

Obviously not super over priced gadgets made by the richest companies that still manufacture in china…ahem, apple…but hey, no one said they were a good company to begin with. Really cant stand that brand and how it treats everyone!

I’m stealing this spelling.

It is a registered trademark. By some fanzy ass chinese tech company somewhere.

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Whoever makes a spellcheck algorithm good enough for @Explant deserves a Nobel prize.

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