Are countries finally going to start pushing back against China?

Lol. Who do they think they are talking to? As if Netherlands gonna say “we are sorry please don’t be mad. We need you.”
They pulled they same shit with Australia yesterday. I’m starting to think they want to be isolated. Economy is going down maybe they want to fan nationalism.


Except we are not breeding like rats; except for sub-Saharan Africa and a few other places (all poor), the population has mostly stabilized or is declining.

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I believe the nationalism bit will only get the CCP so far. China is playing a dangerous game going down paths that could lead to war.


There’s a soccer team in England called Millwall and the motto of their fans is “No one likes us. We don’t care!”. I think this is where the CCP is heading.

I don’t think they ever cared whether anyone liked them. They’d turn on the charm with gullible idiots like Cameron or the WHO in order to get what they want, but in the end they really don’t give a toss how the rest of the world thinks of them.


If your source of world news is Taiwanews and/or taipeitimes, you also end up with a very skewed worldview. Most of those news articles they post aren’t even a thing. Guess it serves their audience…


For good reason, if you ask someone from the UK what comes to mind when you say the word “thug” a Millwall supporter is likely high up on the list of responses.

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A good analogy for the CCP, then. Do what we say or we will withhold PPE that may cause some Dutch people to die sounds pretty thuggish to me. Although, to be honest the PPE wouldn’t have worked anyway.


Are you disputing the claims made in the article about China’s response?

Is China successfully brainwashing Italy? Seems like there is a growing support for anti-immigration and anti-EU parties. Not really sure how widespread and strong this support is?

I’ve actually met one of the person in charge of the Silk Road project in Italy she is a Chinese lawyer in Italy. I see her posting propaganda all over social media about how China is helping Italy.

It appears the people who buys her propaganda are usually academics in university. She has been doing lots of talks on webinars with professors and heads of departments. I suspect many of them are marxists as many academics who never participated in the real professional world are and sympathizes with China.

Euro skeptic feeling have been building before this, I think it will just build momentum. People are not happy with the EU right now. The controlling coalition looks bad. I think Salvini will have a chance to comeback as the economy struggles and people will be angry at the EU and the current coalition.


They serve the news that their audience is looking for.

Taiwannews can be summed up like this:

-> china responds angry to something happening in Taiwan
-> American airplanes flew through the strait
-> random column why the ccp is going to colapse anytime soon

It’s been the same for the last decade

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Australia seems to be the main nation in not kowtowing to China. It’s a balance between principle and profit. My bet is on profit winning. Too many billionaires stand to lose as well as the economy as a whole.

This is particularly interesting as Australian politicians have a reputation for being gutless.

I think many welcomed Chinese money and influence with open arms thinking they were like them in Australia. Now they understand what a huge mistake that was. Australia has been addicted to RMB for a while, all the way to their universities.

So yeah, you’re not disputing the veracity of what the article reported. You just don’t like the source. That’s totally irrelevant to this discussion.

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Unfortunately it’s more like Liverpool or Man City saying it.


There’s a difference between what happens in their borders and what happens outside their borders. Nobody cared when they kept their repression to themselves. Now it’s negatively affecting the outside world.

They want to control the narrative outside. They want us to praise them. They’re trying to control us.

Truthfully human overpopulation is the main cause of all issues on the planet.