So submissive women don’t deserve to have partners? There’s an old sock for every hole, or whatever it was that a well-known fm member used to say.
It all depends what you mean by ‘submissive’, surely. Plenty of people are happy to just drift though life having their decisions made for them, and that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to match up with some domineering asshole who treats them like a doormat. It just means their ideal partner will be happy to take the lead in making decisions.
I haven’t gone out with her for over 2 weeks as I found out lots of things that I didn’t like about her. She’s now pressuring me to have dinner again with her.
My girlfriend is only submissive in things she has no opinion or doesn’t want to make a decision on. Such as what to eat, where to go at the weekend etc etc.
That kind of stuff is given to me as the mans job. And driving etc.
But being submissive as in -doing what i say or not challenging my opinion on things she disagrees with. Absolutely not. The one who has to ‘submit’ more often than not is me.
There are no positives in noting previous errors. The main point is the OP doesn’t compound things by going for a second dinner date. I wonder whether he will?