Are there any pre-contract liabilities?

Hello, I have been recently offered a job and they interviewed me and told me the conditions and I inquired about the contract offer. This is where they asked me to accept the condition first and then they would send the offer to me. After some time I agreed to the conditions, what if after I saw the offer I would like to decline it. will I need to pay them? I have not signed any contract this is a first for me. Thanks for the kind responses

Never accept a job offer without clear description of the salary and benefits in the same contract.

Sorry I cannot answer your question .

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If they refuse, tell them you have conditions of your own, which they must accept before you send the contract back.


You haven’t signed the contract ?

Then I don’t see the problem.

Yes I have not signed anything… This is my first time applying for jobs. Thanks for the response

Definitely follow Brian’s advice. The professional world works on written contacts not gentleman’s handshakes or your word. It’s for your own protection.

And always be wary of someone who puts such conditions. Most of the times, it means they know they’re asking something illegal/non-standard/pathetic.


Agree. If this is your first contract it might be a red flag. I’d question their work philosophy.

That said, it’s not like I’ve never signed anything knowing there were unfair clauses. I signed it cuz I knew they were illegal and there’s no way they can force me to fulfill the contract, also they got something I wanted. Highly not recommended to a first timer though.

I suggest you review the contract with care. Do some homework before you talk to them again, know your place and leverage. Isn’t there something called BATNA? Look it up. Even if you turn it down you’d get experience in negotiating.

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