Are you a certified teacher? Current ways to get a public school job

There are currently public schools in Taipei in need of certified English teachers. However, it seems that resources are scarce on the ground for certified teachers looking for employment in Taiwan. This is not a comprehensive guide, more of a ‘quick and dirty’ post.

First, decide where you want to work:

  1. Working in a rural area.

The lowest-hassle way to get a public school job (as long as you don’t mind working in rural Taiwan) is to contact your local TECO office ( They will try and place you at a rural school around Taiwan.

  1. Working in Taipei

TECO does not place into Taipei. However, English Villages in Taipei are in need of certified teachers. This is the messy end, as there is currently no official central office for applying for these jobs. The Taipei City government outsourced it to recruiters, quite short-shortsightedly. If you are a certified teacher and are currently in Taiwan and in need of a job, PM me. I will try and put you directly in contact with the elementary schools for these English Village positions.

  1. Working in Kaohsiung

Unfortunately, I know nothing about working in Kaohsiung. If any one else on the forum does, feel free to chime in with tips.

Requirements that I know about to get hired at the moment.

You must have a BA.
You must have a current teaching license (the license does not have to be in English or ESL). A substitute-teaching license may not be enough. The CELTA, TEFL certificates, and the like do not count.
I do not know whether or not you have to be from one of the recognized English-speaking countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, The United Kingdom and The United States. However, you probably have to be.

There are other ways to get a job in a public school in Taiwan, but these are the ones that I know about. If anyone knows any other routes, feel free to reply. I’m happy to expand and update this post.

PMed you :wink: thanks!

Be aware ( and I think this is positively BIZARRE ) that the COUNTY has the authority to decide which foreign nationalities qualify. To wit: at my school, in my county, two candidates (who had legit teaching licenses) were rejected simply because they held South African citizenship. They both seemed like OK teachers but the school got nutbars from “authorized” countries instead!