which is better i wonder.
what was your situation?
If marriage than let it be arranged.
Different expectations and dynamics.
a friend of mine is considered somewhat of a nerd. but i like him. he knows all kinds of lao dz, kong dz, mong dz, he’s so smart. incredibly well read.and a nice person. he has a lot to offer any girl, i think. yet society today would overlook him because he doesn’t know the protcol.
why should he be denied a family? somebody’s gonna get him hitched up with a lady from china. forget cool, dating, and all this. marriage is about having a family. the breakdown of the family is the cause of MOST of the world’s troubles.
If you like him you should make a move.
[quote=“theposter”]a friend of mine is considered somewhat of a nerd. but i like him. he knows all kinds of lao dz, kong dz, mong dz, he’s so smart. incredibly well read.and a nice person. he has a lot to offer any girl, i think. yet society today would overlook him because he doesn’t know the protcol.
why should he be denied a family? somebody’s gonna get him hitched up with a lady from china. forget cool, dating, and all this. marriage is about having a family. the breakdown of the family is the cause of MOST of the world’s troubles.[/quote]
Surely he can do that himself. There are many reputable agencies that do that sort of thing.
Personally I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. It’s kind of like internet dating with the proviso being set that you’re looking for a marriage partner. It’s just one of many ways to meet a person.
As far as arranged marriages are concerned, I have no first hand experience with that, but I would have to say that perhaps the folks doing the arranging don’t always have your or the other parties best interests at heart. Best to at least have the last say and not to be pressured because it was arranged.