As an ABC (mainland China), is it harder to find jobs in Taiwan?

Oh really, does that lead to resentment with the locals? I would be a bit peeved if foreigners in my country automatically made more than me.

That is to limit jobs that foreigners can occupy. Foreigners who are not worth for the wage cannot get work permit.

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That makes more sense now, thanks.

Of course Its true. the same way that being judged for being fat or south east asian is a thing in taiwan. It is what it is, if you can help it soften your accent.

It makes sense to clarify. When I was growing up (in ABC communities in California) There were no Mainland Chinese ABC…Mainlanders in US didnt existed in any noticeable way until 2008 and if they did they were rare and they were 1st Gen Immigrants. Almost all ABCs were from Taiwan or HK during the 70s-2000


My wife hates going out by herself because she says she is often looked down upon for having a mainland accent. In the workplace it was an issue in the beginning, but she is the boss so it seems to have gone away as people understand who and what she is. Because she works for an American company, I think the fact that she is American and Chinese is a big advantage for her, and she believes she got the job in no small part because of that and the fact that she is a woman.

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