As if we needed more reasons to despise him

Because Obama Clinton and Pelosi had at least a vague sense that they had some obligation to the country they represented. Trump does not give a flying f–k about America, or you, or you, or you, or you.

And before we continue the ‘other side’ game, I wouldn’t wanna hang out with anyone you just mentioned except for Barry. The Clintons are puke worthy. I doubt Pelosi is much fun.

Again…you are giving us your opinion …commendable

No, its that you really really don’t get a lot of things.

You think anyone that isn’t paying him gets 2 minutes of his time? Super Bowl winners, etc dont count

It really seems to me he’s the only one that gives a flying fuck about America with how the dems have been acting.


What’s Trump done for you? FB likes for posts dont count

You do not exist to him

Living out his personal vendetta against Obama and grifting do not really count as accomplishments. Trump has done nothing for you. He never will. Aside from some lively late nite banter here, none of us will ever benefit from his presidency. Maybe some people got amusement from watching him throw paper towels at Puerto Ricans.

I disagree.

I could list the reasons but I feel like this would be the 100tb time I answered this Particular question with no one ever changing their mind.


i thought we were talking about who we’d wanna hang with anyways. Im trying to think of a GOP politician i’d enjoy talking to at the moment.

And you think ,therefore that AOC cares about you ? :rofl:
In terms of our little World in Taiwan , I feel a lot more confident that more pressure has been applied to China , they just don’t know how far he would go to defend Taiwan. With Obama , they could needle him as much as they wanted and I doubt he would have done more than write them a nasty letter.
He has kept out of any major wars .
most importantly, he has helped slow down the toxic Globalist policies that will help to ruin Europe . Many things , but you are not really interested in the parts you disagree with personally are you ?

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Trump administration is currently in the moves ending affirmative action that discriminate against asian Americans. Yay for equality.

What about rand or Ron Paul?

He’s expanded military operations and run up large deficits, and you get nothing back from it. Hardly anti globalist. He is anti globalist in your mind only. Not in reality. The fact that he sold America on the idea that he is a populist is proof that gullible people will believe anything.

Did you really say he’s an anti globalist? that’s hysterical.

Name one thing Trump has done to roll back the globalist financial network you despise. He’s made is 10x stronger. And you keep cheering for him. I guess I wasn’t so far off with the puppies comment.

Oh and by the way, there’s still a lot of wars going on and he’s done nothing to curtail them. He’s spending more money on them than ever. The rest goes to Jared Kushner. Anti globalist that’s hilarious they’re laughing at you dude

i was just gonna say the Pauls would prob be the closest to it. They get some things right, even if for the wrong reasons. There’s a decent chance Rand would have some good hydro if nothing else

That is the only fact that makes sense in your ramblings You have certainly proved that point several times . Thankyou. I’m laughing at you :wink: I didn’t expect this to evolve into a comedy thread

Sorry i’m still trying to gather myself after the ‘anti globalist’ comment. You…actually…believe…this…

Trump loves Asians! Especially Xi. Did you like the way Trump was sitting on Xi’s lap feeding him grapes while listening to beautiful Chinese songs after their first meeting?

Answer to how much will Trump to defend Taiwan: til China gives him better deals on building his hotels.

The two weeks when Taiwanese independence zealots actually thought he cared about Taiwan were really cute I have to admit. That phone call. It was so touching. Independence! Finally someone cares…oh wait

He’s been harder on China than anyone else in my time. He also was friendly to Kim in one on ones, but has hard lines he won’t soften and walked away.

As if he knows how to be hard on China. Talking the talk is one thing dude. China is no less empowered today than they were when he took office by any metric, and I’m sure they are loving the Trump presidency more than you are.

The red hats were cute tho

Go and have a bit of a read regarding all the Globalist agenda issues first so you understand them …sorry to say that but I feel that you don’t from your comments. Trump seems to be fighting half the GOP , the Dems and you .
He does not want big Government, Open Borders , Law breaking , Loss of the Constitution and many other Globalist policies …you seem to be implying that we don’t understand , whilst displaying errr…some strange ideas on the subject . I get that Trump is not a wonderful person in some ways , but I also wonder what could have been done without one hand tied behind his back and the support of the Presidency . His views are more Liberal than you would be comfortable with . The GOP Tea Party types detest him .

that’s kind of the point …they don’t feel empowered.