"Asian kids work so hard"

oh, i missed this and then posted about PISA!

A middle ground of what?

If you worked so hard in school, why are you an English teacher???

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I had a professor here that told us “its ok to copy+paste and improve”, not just “copy+paste”.

Attitudes are … different. I’ve told this story before, but I once had to file a bunch of reports and semi-apologize for failing a student who’d almost entirely plagiarized an essay on her final exam, and the student objected to her grade. The school wanted me to do more to explain what cheating meant, and that cheating was wrong. (The student still failed.)

It was also the last open book exam I gave, pre-COVID at least. And I moved on to a different school soon after, for a combination of reasons, but that event was one of them. My department did back me, but the fact that they even needed to back me shattered my not particularly high respect for the institution.

That being said, the student wasn’t lazy. She’d found good material and she’d diligently copied it into her notebooks, and then diligently copied it onto her test paper. She’d worked at her cheating.

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Isn’t this an educational culture where rote memorization is valued at most levels, and expected at the lower levels? If you can memorize something well enough to recreate it verbatim, isn’t that considered a sign of having learned it, here?

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Not sure if being sarcastic or straight up this dumb.

I certainly think that’s part of it. I make sure in all of my university courses to emphasize, very early on, the importance of quotation marks in English writing - and I suspect many students view my “obsession” as an odd foible rather than something that’s actually quite important (in the western tradition anyway).

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It’s a fair question.

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It is condescending and unintelligent.


Some of my best friends are condescending and disintelligent.

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I thought it was part humor and part insult, with a dash of truth. At least, it worked very well for me that way when I read it.

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Oh yes, why would I go to a country that pays more than my home country?? Why would I want to live in a country that I automatically get NHI?? I must be hella dumb! I should go back to the USA and make barely over minimum wage and not receive health insurance for months. Then when I receive health insurance I still have to pay insane amounts. Wow, you really opened my eyes! Back to the USA I go!

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Don’t get bent out of shape over it. Oyster Omelet is an “Asian Kid” who worked very hard to be able to look down their nose at teachers.


I could definitely see the insult, can’t see the humour. Perhaps @OysterOmelet should let us all know what he/she does for a living…

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What’s wrong with cut, paste and improve?

I think is correct. It was almost definitely intended as a lighthearted funny insult. No need to over-analyze or get offended. Take it for what it was and move on.

You’re not building a concept or work organically yourself. You are taking someone else’s work and modifying it to look just different enough to be your own.

Think of this in the context of writing a song, painting a picture, or writing a book and the problem with the approach should be self-evident.

if we are stereotyping, i also bet he is probably a STEM student that thinks TW Numbah One, yet has no plans of ever living here thanks to the North American passport of convenience he has.


Sadly, a lot of academic research today (at least in social studies and humanities) is exactly this, as long as you have enough foot notes and bibliography nobody cares if you put any original thought into it.