"Asian kids work so hard"

Also, I’ve met/known Taiwanese that went to the same college as me or a college in my state. :joy: It’s not an ivy league college either.

Well I usually think more in the engineering context. If I want to build a new house I will certainly first study all the designs already done, learn and copy from them and then improve to fit my design goals. But I do see your point.

Having hired quite a few Taiwanese out of college my main complaint is that kids here

  1. Don’t know how to search for information online
  2. Have bad skills at reviewing the reliability of information they do find online.
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Wow. How can you expect anything to change if you take this view on teachers? English teachers SHOULD be highly qualified, that’s what you want. Same with all types of teachers really.

Or was this sarcasm? Sometimes it’s hard to tell online :rofl:


Someone complaining about kids not working as hard as they did back in the day. News at 11.

I don’t think anyone is saying “back in the day”. Even when I got my teaching degree not long ago (less than 10 years ago) the kids weren’t being hand fed answers like they are here.

American kids still have to study. Teachers don’t give a shit if a parent calls and complains. The student still has to earn their grade mate.

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It’s easy to be flippant, but this is the first generation on record where the Flynn effect has gone into reverse.

Actually grade inflation in the US is a well established fact

In particular, schools that are considered “good” are more likely to inflate grades, hence we can observe upper-middle class white people having the illusion that their education is better than it actually is


I say what I do circa every tenth post.

Something to do with semiconductors?

I’m not such a big fan of your posts that I’ve read enough, apparently. So, are you gonna say what you do so we can have some fun? Seems you’re not working very hard at giving a clear answer to a simple question, for some reason…

It’s at least ironic, as he’s a gov’t worker of some sort iirc. ;D

I’m currently dealing with a student complaining to administration because I failed her for plagiarizing her entire final essay for class.

That says everything right there.


Why do you live in USA, when Taiwan is so rich?


One simply does not seperate one’s own self-worth from one’s zeros and decimal places in one’s bank account.


That’s a clown question, bro.

I want to move to Romania. Nothing to do with being rich.

What’s the matter, didn’t work hard enough in school to be successful in the US?


Yeah I’m gonna go to Romania to teach English.


Chill, I was Ironic. Happy for you. And for Romanian ladies