Athens TKD medalist to fight DPP in LY?

Jesus, I hope this isn’t just a rumor: … 21,00.html

The China Times reports Athens taekwondo silver medalist Huang Chih-hsiung is going to be named to a KMT legislator-at-large seat for Taipei County.

This would make the fistfights in the LY a bit more interesting, wouldn’t it?

It tells you a lot about the KMT’s desperation to win. They are resorting to candidates with no experience in puiblic administration and only name recognition as qualificatons. It tells me the centeral party is still calling the shots for the local governments whether it is is the interests of the constituency or not. I didn’t realize the KMT had already merged with the PFP.

maowang wrote:

Reminds you of that Arnold Schwarzenegger fellow, doesn’t it?

Shouldn’t this nomination make the KMT members angry? Doesn’t this take away slots from someone who should deserve the position more? How do the legislators at large positions work?

Well, apparently he’s got a master’s in something from Chinese Culture University, and I don’t see how an Olympic silver medal automatically disqualifies him from serving in the legislature.

I don’t think that disqualifies him, but the thing that crossed my mind was, “Is he even interested in politics or the KMT in the first place?”
I also have to say that using a celebrity as a political pawn just looks pathetic and makes the party look like it has no actual program for its legislator-hopefuls.

Jesse Ventura, Sunny Bono, Ronald Reagan, and Shirley Temple were all celebrities before taking on USA politics.

How do you know he’s not interested in politics?

I use to train in Olympic TKD in the USA and ROC. I have a diversity of interest; 3 bachelor degrees, published in medical journal while in high school, even manage a small enterprise.

People who know me personally, know that I’m not a dumb jock nor politically ignorant.

Given what a democracy is these days, it takes a certain amount of celebrity status and an understanding of the establish political machine to be elected these days.

[quote=“ac_dropout”]How do you know he’s not interested in politics?
I think he is doing it because he doesn’t want to play second fiddle to the other two TKD gold winners. Just getting elected will guarantee a good pension. Hey why not capitalize on your fame while you still have it. He wanted to study overseas but will he be received as well as he is now if he wanted to enter poliitcs after he graduates? No. If he doesn’t get elected he can still go to school.

“Jesse Ventura, Sunny Bono, Ronald Reagan, and Shirley Temple were all celebrities before taking on USA politics.”

The celebrities mentioned above were pretty comfortable acting and speaking in front of the camera and people.

I hope for his sake he can handle himself too —> verbally :wink: .

Let’s hope this doesn’t give the Gold medalist any bright ideas.

I mean the women’s gold medalist has a movie deal and use to sell beetle nuts by the road side. Image her as a legislator. She might have a sex video like Paris hilton or something.

AC_Dropout wrote: [quote]Let’s hope this doesn’t give the Gold medalist any bright ideas.

I mean the women’s gold medalist has a movie deal and use to sell beetle nuts by the road side.[/quote]

Well, I can understand how a tofu-eating surrender monkey like yourself would think that women would sell “beetle nuts” to inflate fragile male egos like yours. However, she was not selling insect testicles, but the fruit of a palm which are known as “betel nuts”. :slight_smile:

Just funning with you. Actually AC, you’ve got plenty of balls for hanging around Forumosa considering the number of hits you’ve taken. It’s been good for you: you make much more sense these days: duelling with the enemy has tightened up your line of argument and put you in good fighting shape. I’m curious. Do you ever play devil’s advocate with your parents, perhaps throwing a few Forumosan lines at them?

Well the spell checker preferred beetle over betel.

Anyways life without opposition is boring. Like TKD you can say. Kicking air is not as fun as kicking a moving chest protector that kicks back.

And don’t blame me for spanking monkey and having tofu surrendering. :slight_smile:

Does this Huang guy even have a political platform or a district he suppose to be running for yet.

Nope, but he did snag the #3 spot on the at large ticket, which must seriously piss off other prospective candidates.

The other medalists, according to CNA, are now acting as “ambassadors for the national police bureau”, meaning they will be showing up at events dressed like police officers to aid with recruitment/ inevitible PR damage control.

“Tofu eating surrender monkies”? I believe you have your pejoratives (unoriginal and awkward at that) all mixed up. Haven’t you realized the properly accepted term here at this Taidu haven is “totaliatarian communist sino-fascist autodidacts”.

What the hell could a somewhat-below-averagely educated* 28-year-old kid whose only claim to public recognition is that he happens to have won a runner-up medal in an international sports event possibly contribute to the workings of the national legislature? What a joke!

But looking on the positive side, at least it’s better than their selecting yet another gangster to join the long roster of hoods already in the pan-blue legislative caucus.

[*It has to be pointed out that a master’s degree from a tenth-rate “academic institution” like Taiwan Culture University is barely worth the paper on which it’s certified.]

Ahem. This coming from the guy who wrote:

[quote=“cmdjing”]However, even should the queer desire to sell off historical treasures take root among the quisling nomenclature, they will be unlikely to do so except within private auctions on Taiwan itself as PRC pressure would most assuredly make any international auction impossible.
[url]China Palace Museum: Sell the art to buy weapons! - #11 by cmdjing

I love to learn new words. Please enlighten us. :unamused:

Omni wrote:

This begs the question: Are corrupt lawmakers made or are they born that way?

I like to look at it from the other side of the coin. It was the KMT (Kill More Taiwanese) that “recruited” this fellow; he did not come out saying he’d love to represent the former authoritarian regime in the December elections.

What, I wonder, are the perks of the deal?

[quote=“wolf_reinhold”]I like to look at it from the other side of the coin. It was the KMT (Kill More Taiwanese) that “recruited” this fellow; he did not come out saying he’d love to represent the former authoritarian regime in the December elections.

What, I wonder, are the perks of the deal?[/quote]
Does anyone know if this guy leaned toward the KMT before they approached him? Is he, for lack of a better term, a waishengren?

[quote=“Omniloquacious”]What the hell could a somewhat-below-averagely educated* 28-year-old kid whose only claim to public recognition is that he happens to have won a runner-up medal in an international sports event possibly contribute to the workings of the national legislature? What a joke!

But looking on the positive side, at least it’s better than their selecting yet another gangster to join the long roster of hoods already in the pan-blue legislative caucus.

[*It has to be pointed out that a master’s degree from a tenth-rate “academic institution” like Taiwan Culture University is barely worth the paper on which it’s certified.][/quote]

Some of world greatest intellects were self taught or made significant progress in fields of their interest; not of their training.

If it makes you feel better there was a guy name Mao that was under-educated as well. And look what he accomplished, the complete and utter defeat of ROC in the international political theater. Perhaps we need some under-educated people on our side to really shake up status quo a bit.

I say give the young gun a chance, if he sucks vote him out.


Which side would that be?

[quote]Perhaps we need some under-educated people on our side to really shake up status quo a bit.
I wouldn’t worry too much about that – you have plenty. Lien, Soong, Fung… the list goes on and on.