Audio post studio to edit listening tests (GEPT and more)

If you’ve just finished recording a listening test and need professional help to post edit the files, we can help you. Listen to a MP3 sample online and compare the quality with your own previous test recordings here:

We’ve been editing customized listening tests for the past 5 years for 200+ local Taiwanese schools (including a handful of 名校), government/private institutions and growing worldwide. We average editing hundreds of tests per month (including GEPT tests) so we know what it takes to make excellent listening tests. Give us a try!

Even if you still want to edit your own audio files to save money during these economic bad times, don’t miss our excellent guide to help you optimze your recording process to increase the overall quality of your recordings. By following our instructions you can boost your quality up to 60% in no time (according to our audio quality standards). We add in the remainder 40% through our post editing services.

Our goal is to make the best listening experience possible for test-taking students in subpar listening environments.

Please contact us through our website, thank you!

Happy Holidays, Team