
I think we’re on to a winner. Get a marketing mock-up on my desk by COB tomorrow and let’s take this baby out for a spin.

Many revolting ideas and images. Thanks Bear, cow, and the rest of the animals here.

Masala you’re in charge of social media.

Yes. I have a good nose for these things, and this one smells like an open Taipei sewer in July, i.e. victory.

That’s because you think I’ll twist your concept and make it sound more palatable?

I’m your man. As long as you pay for those DVD you ordered.

If this thing takes off like I think it will your days of peddling dodgy DVDs out the back of a Ford Transit are over.

Avocado is not a very popular Taiwanese fruit, though. You should add a pinch of nationalistic pride and use something like mango, papaya and dragon fruit.

Pineapple latte. Even more, pineapple-onion latte, with pinneapple and onion from Pintung, coffee from AliShan and milk from the pigs raised in Linkou.

I’ve always wondered why hog milk isn’t a thing. Or maybe it is?

You ever try to milk a pig?

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No, but it’s definitely on my bucket list.

I’ll explain the how to milk a pig thing. Suck a nipple and spit it [the milk] in a bucket on your list!:wink:

Is that a Belgian technique?

No, it’s a technique for people with huge hands!

So you’re saying Belgians have tiny hands and…

We have hands the size of coal shovels!


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No damaging impact on the environment with paper and plastic.

Avocados, on the other hand, are a very water-hungry crop.

Good, lucky they are not beer-hungry! Anyways, avocados are one of the most environmental unfriendly crops.