Awesome Things About Living in Taiwan


BHAM!!! There it is!! :rofl::joy:

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I don’t take myself too seriously .:grinning:

Taiwan civic engagement and democracy is very good for an Asian country, I agree 100%.


Kavalan whiskey ? Amazing ?

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Does friendliness really make a place “awesome?” I appreciate how direct and surly people are in the New England states. Where I lived in the American south, everybody was really fake polite and trashed you under their breath or behind your back like the Japanese do. I much prefer to live in a place where it’s acceptable to roll the window down and exchange a few words and gestures with a shitty driver. It’s exhilarating, and a lot healthier than suppressing my desire to be direct with you about how much I hate your stupid stinking guts.

I want to be able to tell a rude old bitch here that she’s a rude old bitch and I hope she drops dead without being sued for defamation!


Youbike is awesome.

There used to be more things, but Taiwan hasn’t really progressed in a decade. I used to like the little shops and restaurants and stuff in Shida. Also Dong Qu. But all that has gone away.


wow you’re having a good morning mam. If they hate me and I don’t have to work with them I’d rather they just STFU about it and let me go on my merry way :sunglasses:


That’s the spirit! Show them happy chipper folks how it’s done :joy:

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I am having a good morning. It would just be even better if I could tell somebody who nearly runs into me because they’re staring at some game on their phone to watch where they’re fucking going, or to ask somebody who’s looking at me what the fuck they’re looking at.

It feels good!


I totally agree with you :slightly_smiling_face:

When I first came back to Taiwan so many years ago (2003), I hated it. It was too crowded and Taiwanese people is almost impossible for me to be friends with because their infatuation with making money and becoming American citizens get on my nerves. However I went back to America on 2014 and came back now, and I have to say this:

While in America people hold open the door for you and all that, I find a sizeable minority of Americans to be a busybody. A whole lot of “see something, say something”, meaning even if you aren’t being a menace or bothering someone if someone thinks you’re a little “off” you can get harassed by law enforcement for no reason. In Taiwan they have a “see no evil, hear no evil” attitude, meaning people don’t call law enforcement on you unless you’re bothering them. So in a way it’s easier to be someone who isn’t exactly “normal”.

Medical cost in the US is nuts. Yet you still have a sizable majority of Americans who thinks that’s ok because they have the best medical technology in the world and all that, except seeing how many bankruptcies are the result of medical problems, they clearly can’t afford it. Taiwan isn’t perfect but going to the doctors for even something serious isn’t going to send you into a tail spin.

In the US roads are terrible. No maintenance or resurfacing for decades, and major potholes are just band-aid fixes. As a result Americans probably spend too much on car repairs. Cars are necessary in the US and they are not only expensive to maintain, but are stressful because people drive too fast and act like idiots. In Taiwan traffic is bad but roads are generally in good repair and are resurfaced several times a year. Cars are not necessary because even in rural areas there are buses.

Food is excellent and cheap, and Taiwanese don’t drink cool-aids like Americans do. So general health is probably better.

Crime seems unheard of except for gossip news. Cops here are generally helpful and don’t have a “power trip” like in the states. Cops here don’t gun people down just because…

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I…never … %*hiccup^# … drink on the … job :face_vomiting:


I can eat many tropical fruits is awesome.




That’s a good one I’d taken that for granted. The fruit here is awesome.


Well bless your heart. :wink:


such an innocent and fresh outlook! won’t take many ‘when are you going homes’ to reverse this opinion.


Bless him let him hold on to that feeling


Yes the juice stores as well. Get fresh fruit juices on the corner is awesome


Britain and Japan have the least traffic-related fatalities amongst major countries.