Ayahuasca Presentations about Heart Healing


This has got to be illegal in Taiwan. A number of tourists have died during these experiences in Peru.

This event sounds like a testimony from someone who’s tried it and apparently it healed their heart or something.

I guess talking about it isn’t illegal.

What is it? Some kind of peyote-type trip-inducing thing?

Something traditional from South America with Shaman that leads you through an experience.

A very powerful psychedelic tree bark…active ingredient is DMT.

Someone recently got busted isolating DMT from acacia bark in Taiwan big time. Very heavy penalty (was in Taiwan News or something).

A very heavy drug too… quite an experience, but not for the beginner… :wink:

Will the police do a drug bust at the presentation? Waiting for the potential schadenfreude.

Yes that’s from the acacia root which is basically everywhere in Taiwan. It’s Chinese medicine.
The Spirit Molecule.

Kind of naive to hold such an event here.

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Dude, you should charge people 10 bucks a pop to rummage around in your head. You’ll make a killing.

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Now, in all seriousness, if I were younger I’d probably attend it totally drunk with a friend or maybe just alone (but not drunk, that looks much worse) and have a great night with the hippie loonies that usually attend this type of events. I’m also (or I was?) a crazies magnet (don’t ask me why), so maybe I could even find someone to watch a couple of DVD’s together (and then sell them to her). I think I just need (a couple of extra parenthesis).

Whirling dervish is what you get from Ayahuaska.



I don’t know if it was ayahuasca or perhaps datura stramonium what made people feel this urge of jumping through the window… I think it was the latter. Apparently users feel anxiety or claustrophobia AND that they have the ability to fly :smiley:

Yeah, it was datura stramonium what made you “fly”:

Datura is not an hallucinogenic per se, it is a deleriant which is to say it blocks certain neurotransmitters in brain and creates an all-encompassing delirium. You remember those old scare stories that used to be told about taking acid? The old urban legends about people taking LSD, thinking they could fly and then walking out of third floor windows? (Of course if you’re on acid and you think you can fly then it’s not the acid that makes you jump out the window; it’s plain stupidity that makes you do it on the third floor instead of testing your theory first on the ground…)

But with devil’s weed, you really are so removed from reality, that the possibility of doing yourself a fatal mischief is all too real. Here’s what the US Department of Agriculture says: “Datura intoxication typically produces a complete inability to differentiate reality from fantasy (delirium, as contrasted to hallucination); hyperthermia; tachycardia (increased heart-rate); bizarre, and possibly violent behavior; and severe mydriasis (pupil dilation) with resultant painful photophobia that can last several days.” It has high enough levels of toxicity that it can also kill you if you’re not careful about the dosage.


I heard several stories with the flying feature, one of them from an ex. I dunno, I used to be very interested in creative drugs and the drugs phenomenology itself, but I never got people abusing or using dangerous drugs. Indeed I have’t tried many… :frowning:

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