Bad national cuisines

The Philippines just called and say they are willing to sue you over your false claim.

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+10. I vote PHL for the worst food in asia. Some dry hard rice with salty flavor veg and an un-smoked unseasoned slab of bacon.

Have you been to Tainan before?

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Um… No discussion about the worst food in Asia can occur without mentioning the inedible sludge that is served in Burma.

Yeah, sure, the food YOU make yourself, because living in Taiwan brings out the aspirant cook in everyone. Starvation sometimes isn’t an option.

No worries bre, the bad news is a trained monkey could teach engrish, the good news is we’re in short supply of trained monkeys :smiley:

I would put Indonesia almost as low down as the Philippines. Food in India ain’t great, either. But Indian food outside India is superb.

Dr. Pepper, Bagels, Fried Twinkees

hey, at least SOME food in the phillipines is good - although similarly its generally very fatty, but their fish is really good


Ohh, but the breads in burma are really good, but again the curries also suffer the inch of oil ont he top phenomenon

Then again, did ou get up to the mountains and try the strawberrys? Hmmm

I also got given toffee crumble by a local after I was chatting to them for a while - really good

meh, i love indonesian food, really tasty and full of flavour and spicy hot. :discodance:

Anyways, horses for courses, nearly lunch time

England gave the world roast lamb with mint sauce
Bacon and Egg icecream
delia smith, jamie oliver, keith flyyod (RIP)…
“western curry”
yorkshire puddings
cornish icecream
dandelion and burdock (=s)
shepards pie
cottage pie

I will admit to loving xiao long bao, but Im already over the dan bing (althpough lajiao is pretty good)

why do people think the food is shit here? I love it. Cheap, good taste, lots to choose from.

Gave the world did they? Why can I only recognize a couple of the things you’ve given us? Need to put a bit more effort into your globalization promotions I would say. :laughing:

Bagels are from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, immigrants brought them to the US.

Uhhh, 16th century Poland for 500, Alex???

Sure. Food gets to America through immigrants and then gets transmogrified.

Ever been to a Chino-Cubano Restaurant in Brooklyn? What a wonderful contribution to cuisine. Just but one example of “non-native” that you’ll rarely, if ever, find outside of the US.

And oh yea, Chicken Fried Steak with pepper corns and onion gravy. MMMMMMMmmmmMMM!

EDITED: Oh the Humanity - why, oh why, am I posting in Engrish!!!

You could add a lot more, including Cornish pasties, Cumberland sausages, English high tea (scones/cucumber sandwiches), kippers and regional specialties like haggis (Scotland) and cawl (Wales). All good stuff. British food is much maligned and highly underrated.

Indonesian food is pretty good, but Indian food in India is quite possibly the best food anywhere. I’ve never had Indian food outside India that even comes close.

Sure, lots of good stuff. I was commenting on the notion it has been given to the “world”. After the “Is Taiwanese Food Famous” thread I refuse to let anyone make such unqualified declarations. England gave England would be more accurate for most of the things listed above. :slight_smile:

Well this is a timely thread. I am staring at a box on my desk. Here are some of the words that are printed on the box:

“Established 1898”
“By appointment to her majesty the queen”
“Product of Scotland”

And the contents of this box incite the question-

What kind of monster would inflict the cruel culinary hoax of these HIGHLAND OATCAKES on the world? Seriously Scotland, it is inappropriate to package sawdust patties in such a pretty box. Are they supposed to be shredded or something before eating?