Badminton in Hualien?

Hello all,

Does anyone know where on can go to play badminton in Hualien? I’m looking for the kind of place where one can show up and find some people to play with, or, alternatively, a place to take classes.

Many thanks!

My ex-wife came to visit for a month. I took her to CKS to see the sights. A bunch of Jr. High kids marching. She asked to join. Cool pics of an overgrown, worse than me, high stepping it.
Later they asked her to join them for badminton the next day. Back then Xinpu was the end of the line. Met up with the lasses and went to a park.
Bottom line is that if you want to play badminton, which, by the way, I do not understand, get a mallet, bat or whatever it’s called and swing it about in a park.

I’m sure there are indoor courts here in Hualien, but a lot of it still goes on in front yards, dead-end streets, park edges.
Al fresco and impromptu.

I used to play badminton (casually) at Tai Mall in Taoyuan, and now that I’m in Hualien I’d be interested in playing again. I did a cursory search and found a list of places here (in Chinese):

According to the list (who knows if it’s up-to-date):

  1. 天行健羽球會 located at Meilunshan Park (美崙山生態公園).
  2. 冠羽羽球館 located at Dean 1st St. No. 265 (德安一街265號–Google maps shows a shop, with perhaps courts above? It happens to be right down the street from my apartment, so I’ll go check it out and report back)
  3. 花岡國中 Huagang Junior High School located at Gongyuan Rd. No. 40 (公園路40號)
  4. 慈濟大學 Tzu Chi University
  5. 花蓮師院體育館 Hualien Teacher’s College Gym located in Shoufeng Township Daxue Rd. Sec. 2 No. 1 (壽豐鄉志學村大學路二段一號)
  6. 東海岸羽球隊 East Coast Badminton team (location??)

I checked out #2 above, here’s a pic…

…it’s a full-service badminton shop on the first floor, with courts on the second floor. I talked with the shop attendant, who told me that court fees are NT$250/hour. She said a lot of badminton clubs play there, so you should call first to make sure they have an opening. Their phone number is 03-8338732. She said they’re open everyday, but I forgot to ask the hours. We spoke Chinese; when I threw in some English she didn’t understand, so if you don’t speak Chinese you might need to have a friend help, or maybe try emailing them at

Since a fee is required I’m not sure that you’d be able to just show up and find someone to play with. I’m a very low-level casual player, but if you’re interested in playing sometime feel free to send me a message.

The OP and I played badminton today at the place mentioned above (冠羽羽球館 located at Dean 1st St. No. 265 / 德安一街265號). It poured rain for a while while we were playing, so it was nice playing inside.

Thought I’d post a follow-up photo of the courts in case anyone else in Hualien is looking for an indoor court.