Banana leaves to package fruit and veges in Asia

A Thai initiative to replace plastic packaging. Think we’ll ever see it here?


From the link:

“When I see vegetables wrapped in these beautiful banana leaves I’m more willing to buy in larger quantities”

If we started to write this everywhere, and made sure that people in Carrefour, 7/11 etc etc read about it, then yes.


That is such a good idea to protect the environment.

This is a great idea. There’s no reason for the plastic packaging for small amounts of veg other than the convenience for the supermarket for stocking and inventory control. I shop about once a week and de-plastic everything when I get home. I really need to change and go to the local markets. I don’t know if it helps but the small amount of plastic bags I use are made from corn which may just be a marketing ploy to get me to pay more.

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This thread looks a lot more interesting if you read the topic as a story from a small town paper bidding farewell and good luck to a local fruit.


I’d imagine there are a few banana leaves kicking around in Nantou. Maybe these are exported? It’s unlike Taiwan to waste any byproduct like this…

Yeah I’ve been trying to shop more at local markets. The produce all seems to come from the same places. Don’t think anything from the supermarket is necessarily better in quality. Maybe the certified stuff is, dunno. The local markets love their plastic too, but if you tell them early enough you can walk away with less than half a dozen plastic bags. :slight_smile:

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In Taiwan, bamboo leaves (see your friendly neighborhood 粽子) are a more likely substitute.


Yeah, they have an existing culture of banana-leaf wrapping there. What did Taiwan do before plastic?

Bamboo leaves and old canvas rice sacks.


My personal favourite, as far as clever packaging goes, is the lychees. Leave the sticks on, bundle them up with some string.


Same or other leaves, I’m sure. I think we all have seen those rice pyramids wrapped in leaves… and I’d be surprised if that were an exception.

The only thing there is they’re wrapped specifically to steam them, not really to hold them. And they wouldn’t be much use with larger things.

Those are bamboo leaves

I know. Why?

Why what?

Bamboo and other plants could be used not only for wrapping but also tying stuff up. And again there are other leaves that I’ve seen used in other countries (probably banana, but I don’t remember). The thing is that there’s an overuse of plastics and this could help to reduce it.

Why did you tell me they’re bamboo leaves. No worries.


I hate this fucking Internet deal.


you two are so cute as an internet couple

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