Banned Members 2005 (Part 1)

I wasn’t aware that he had been suspended, but now that you have brought it to my attention, then please do tell us just why he has been suspended. During his last suspension, I asked why and was given the arrogant response: “he broke the rules.” Well, duh. It would be nice to actually know what rules he broke, and even better, how he broke them.

From where I sit, you lot were the ones who looked silly in that situation. You could have saved yourselves pages and pages of discussion on why it would be wrong to reveal why a poster had been suspended/banned. It seems to me that at least a couple of mods just can’t stand having their judgement questioned. Thanks, TM, for explaining why SC was suspended. I don’t see how it would hurt to provide the same kind of minimal explanation when other posters are suspended/banned.

And give up being the Goddess of Fornication and Prostitutes? :noway:

Thanks for the explanation. Nice to be treated like an adult.

Oh great, 4 more years of Bush! :wink:

Seriously, the explanation is much appreciated. I have found SJ to be a complex character. At times, his posts are offensive to me, but at other times he provides very interesting reads. Tough call.

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]I would be happy to tell you what happened. But the mods had a vote and decided not to reveal details. Not my choice, but I will respect the wishes of the other mods.

Why not this concern for ac_dropout ? Can’t be inconsistancy surely ? :noway:[/quote]

BFM, having been away from the site for a while i was not aware that ac_dropout had been suspended. I remember his first suspension which was for a very obvious reason, he was posting at a rate that almost exceeded everyone else put together.

Where someone is being suspended for reasons that cannot be seen then it is natural to question that reason. TM’s response provided enough detail that it was not the act of a nanny state that led to the suspension.

As you mods move offending posts etc then ordinary posters here cannot see the offending material making even more relevant as to why a proper explanation is given. Answers such as “they broke the rules” means diddly squat. It does not even explain what rules and in what manner it was broken.

A little more openness on issues such as these would make a good site even better.

Moderation is required, but it should be done openly, not behind closed doors.

[quote=“truant”]while I agree some of the banning decisions can be mystifying, we HAVE to believe the admins take a suspension/banning very seriously as a last resort based on info they have and we don’t.

I believe that in itself is part of “the rules” here. Not all info can be made public.[/quote]

just show us what he did! you can’t take the guy off in the night and behead him without letting us, his peers, at least know what he did. transparency!! you guys are lableing him a racist without giving all of us evidence as to whether or not he is or isn’t. you guys ain’t God! why should we trust your judgement without a wimper?


However, yesterday SJ posted a statement suggesting that funds be raised to pay inventors to develop a plague to be used in black Africa. He followed it up with something along the lines of this helping to achieve some particular end.

maybe it was tongue in cheek. and maybe youse guys are head up ass.

I think I get this TMTM. The rule exists, so it must be applied. So, and bear with me here, I am treading into your waters now, we can liken the mods to the DA’s office for Forumosa City. When a case lands in your lap that is conten, contens, (damn) contentious (sp?), you decide whether or not to press charges?

The case is brought before the kanga, ooops Star Chamber and that’s the jury of the accused’s peers, right so far? Of course Judge (and Mayor) Maoman presides and can at anytime, overrule.

Given the immutable laws of disclosure (Under Suspension,etc moniker), the press gets wind of it ( in this case “Scoop” Josefus) and the case is opened to public scrutiny and opinion (that’s us, btw).

So who is the accused’s defender. We know JC ain’t available. He died. Who’s a Screaming Jesus gonna call.

Gumper, Gumper and Gumper. Attorneys at Virtual Law at your services. Here’s my card.

Ladiers and Gentlemen of the jury. My client pushes the envelope. He seeks to incite. But I have always taken his remarks with the irony intended, one such that the very nature of forum posting usually misses. Sarcasm is often miscontrued as a canard, and malicious personal agendas often successfully masquerade as constructive criticism. In short, forum posting is often reduced to the basest basics of comprehension. Subtlety and Wit are often lost. Please, remember, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the pun is mightier than the sword. I submit that my client’s intention was not malicious, ergo hateful. He seeks to deepen the conversation, taking it levels that some and yes, maybe most, dare not travel. It has often been said, so much so to the point of near cliche, that I may not agree with what he says, but I’ll defend his right to say it with my life. Okay, maybe only in America, but I digress. Fucking Americans. Always making me digress. I hate Americans.

Did you catch the Subtlety, Irony and Wit there?

Well, if you don’t like what someone has to say, Forumosa City has made it very easy for the common citizen to remedy that. The Ignore Button is back.

I rest my case.

Later, on the virtual steps of the virtual courthouse:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, I have a short statement, and then I’ll entertain your questions. Yes, of course I am confident the Star Chamber will re-instate. But I would like to say one thing: While I admire DA Tigerman’s zeal to apply the laws fairly, this was a test case and the DA’s Modpartment should not be discouraged or dissuaded from the quest to form a more perfect forum. The rule of law is all we have to live by in this, the only truly “Free” society on the planet, The Great and Proud Forumosa City. My client is a handful sometimes. (pause for nervous laughter) But DA Tigerman looked at the offending posts in terms too black and white. I encourage the DA’s Modpartment to consider the grey shades before pressing charges.

I would also like to applaud the courage of DA Tigerman’s openess with the public. If it weren’t for the Press Conference he held on 4/1/05 at 10:23 AM:


There have been several discussions in the past, and one quite recently, regarding SJ’s posts and racist posts in general.

None of the moderators have defended SJ’s right to post controversial statements more than I have.

None of the mods have argued more strenuously than I have that racist statements must be also hateful in order for them to be prohibited. I have argued this point with the administration and with other mods.

However, yesterday SJ posted a statement suggesting that funds be raised to pay inventors to develop a plague to be used in black Africa. He followed it up with something along the lines of this helping to achieve some particular end.

I took offense at that suggestion, and applied the Rule against such statements when I proposed the ban. The relevant Rule states:

I don’t know how many times I have argued with other mods and with the administration that for this Rule to apply, the statement must be hateful. IMO, suggesting that a good way to deal with black Africa would be to develop and release a plague there is an example of hateful, racist bigotry.

The mods will begin debating whether or not to ban SJ, and then we will vote.

If SJ is banned, he will be free to register again under a new name… and I hope he does (if he is banned), because I too enjoy many of his posts.

But, even while I would permit hateful racist bigotry on my site (if I had a site) so that the same could be rebutted, this is not my site and we have fairly explicit Rules. One of those Rules applies directly to a post SJ made yesterday.

I trust you will all understand why I have proposed the ban.[/quote]

Although I admire such candor and let’s just say it, plain balls out guts, I fear that little secret society, the kanga, oooops, Star Chamber, won’t. I truly hope it doesn’t hurt DA Tigerman’s career, but if it does, I’d like him to know that the door is always open at Gumper, Gumper and Gumper, Attorneys at Virtual Law. Here’s my card. (pause for heart-felt laughter and much murmmering)

Okay, let’s have your questions.


BTW, I am not a real lawyer. Don’t you all feel like…

April’s Forumosan Fools?


maybe it was tongue in cheek[/quote]And maybe it was an April Fool’s joke?

No. That would be against the Rules:

Nobody is calling anyone a “racist”. None of us can see into the heart of another person. The allegation is that a person’s message was hateful, racist bigotry.

Not necessarily. It may be applied.

Sort of, yes.

The debate is lively, but I have NEVER seen Maoman overrule any of the debates. The decision is reached by a majority vote.

Any one or more of the mods can defend him. A person up for a ban can also defend himself.

I would like to apologize for offending any one about my posting of the rules link. I was in a rush to get the Mrs. off to the airport and I didn’t stop to think if it would offend anyone. For that I am sorry.

I think it is important for everyone to understand that there is a process involved when a ban is proposed. There is a lively debate which can become quite heated at times. And it is safe to say that everyone involved takes that responsibility very seriously.

One of the reasons why I only posted the rules link is that it is premature to pass judgement on the decision to suspend SJ simply because no real decision has been made yet. The suspension time is just a time for the mods and administration to reflect on the issue at hand. It might be a good idea to think of the suspension as a good thing because it prohibits anyone from making a rash or hasty decision. Isn’t this in everyone’s interests?

excellent post gumper! we (la cosa forumosa) had the last DA in our pocket so we didn’t worry about this kinda stuff.what money used to buy ya!
i need to converse with mordeth, the muscle in my organization, about paying a little cyber visit to these star chamber
hateful anti-homsexual expletive deleted by moderator
. we’ll bust their fuckin’ modems!


I firmly believe that one should be circumspect in posting and that the rules should be respected and adhered to. It is not worth being suspended, as it severely restricts ones ability to have a valuable discourse with all these computers.


[quote=“BroonAle”]I firmly believe that one should be circumspect in posting and that the rules should be respected and adhered to. It is not worth being suspended, as it severely restricts ones ability to have a valuable discourse with all these computers.


Damn, twice in two days that we are in solid agreement. I feel funny inside, should we stop?

[quote=“BroonAle”]I firmly believe that one should be circumspect in posting and that the rules should be respected and adhered to. It is not worth being suspended, as it severely restricts ones ability to have a valuable discourse with all these computers.


As you almost know only to well :laughing: :laughing:

This is an interesting discussion. Hope y’all don’t mind me joining it.

  1. Not only is the rule against hateful bigotry perfectly reasonable, and clear, it is also intuitive; any thinking person should understand this even if they haven’t bothered to read the rules. The same concept is in the friendly reminder to the right of each posting window.

  2. The argument by some that sarcasm can be easily misunderstood as bigotry is a good one too. I

[quote=“Dragonbones”][quote=“Traveller”] ac_dropout

[quote=“rantheman”]okay I’m coming to the side of scream. i 've always thought he was a quality content contributor.

Screaming Jesus wrote on Affirmative Action thread:


Dragonbones, excellent post. Nail. Head. Dragonbones. :bravo:

One point tho’: AC dropout posts A LOT sometimes, and this creates housework for moderators who have better things to do. Some people feel that he’s more trouble than he’s worth, others that he makes a valuable contribution. Hence the long and heartfelt discussion I’ve just been looking at in the Star Chamber forum. Maoman has not tried to over-ride anyone, and has published emails received from AC in his defence.

While some individuals could easily be accused of bias in this case it’s up to all the SC members individually to vote as they see fit and I don’t think his ‘trial’ has been unfair. It has been carried out behind closed doors because the decision is made by a small group, not by a public referendum. I oppose banning AC, I don’t particularly like the system as it is, but I don’t have a better alternative and I do believe that it works reasonably well. So I’m just going to leave the Star Chamber to decide.

Now will people stop suggesting that we’re fascist bully-boys please? Or we’ll introduce a new rule requiring you lot to kow-tow before moderators on pain of instant suspension.

Incidentally, what do you all think of a ‘public warning’ system for first offences. Like a sticky thread where moderators can say “BroonApe, stop talking rubbish or we’ll make you abstain from sex for a whole day.” so that if a suspension/ban becomes necessary we can say “We warned him and he wouldn’t listen.”