Banning perpetual liars from the media a good idea?

Well, sure. But this is a thread about media corruption, globally. Though te US media isnt that hot either.

I suppose my reasoning for saying hang the liars in politics, education and.sciences is because thwir actions are you precursor to the following media coverage. As such, preventing corruption there would theoretically reduce the need/occurance of stupid journalism. If the base of the society becomes solid and honest, media has far less weight in corrupting and pushing various global agendas.

Prevention is better than the cure type of thing. I am not convinced its a chicken or the egg sotiation when discussing media. More like the chicken or the soup, in which we know for a fact the chicken comes first.

Though i doubt any of this will actually ever happen as most cultures are pretty much filled with shitty people.

Or that is what the corrupt media would rather you think then simply talking to people. Most people I run into are fairly decent and fair and decent.


Thread is in US Politics.

Aww, damn. Sorry didnt notice that. My bad.

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I blame covid. You can too!

Nah, its cool. Heat stroke is my go to justifier for saying stupid shit. Works 6 months out of 12, like clockwork.

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As a joke, yes that works. In reality, Zuckerberg can barely control the content on his platform/

I always wonder about this. Why should he have to? Ford doesn’t control how people can drive. They certainly could install the technologies needed to prevent and block poor drivers from driving poorly. Why no clamor? :ponder:

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It’s a good point, and I’m sure Zuck would agree. Would make his life a lot easier.

I suppose the difference is that a vehicle doesn’t have the same power of influence as the dominant social media platform.

A vehicle can make you and others dead fairly easily.

So there are lots of government regulations involving who can use vehicles, banning happens. I’m OK with that in the vehicular context…

And yet, each and every day those regulations are ignored and the government doesn’t try and break up Ford or GM or Tesla, ad autonem.

It’s actually quite simple.

I don’t know if it is a double standard as much as it is government elite not being able to have a new kind of control, manipulation and punishment when it’s right there for the taking.

If i am understanding you correctly, thats exactly a double standard. Or perhaps you mean they are too dumb to see it and its an oversight?

IDK…seems a bit simplified to call it a double standard. No one is calling for car companies to do anything. :idunno:

You are saying no one is calling for car companies to do anything about drivers killing people but people are calling on facebook to do something about what people post.

Isnt that exactly what a double standard is?

Many examples such as guns, plastic waste, drugs etc are all similar and related to the root debate: who is responsible for how a product is used?

I normally view the user as responsible for its use and the manufacturer is responsible for it being made as is advertised and without defect. but people look at me like im talking witchcraft when i mention people are responsible for their own actions.

Although, to be fair, social media is like any voice and has its part in brain washing people. But thats also freedom of speech and basic human liberties. Probably will eventually be controlled somehow with a V2.0 fcc involvement or somethung something.

Good luck sorting that one out, USA

I’m not sure. I haven’t really thought it through. Something seems amiss, though. Can’t quite put my finger on it. You may be right. Time and effort will tell. Sorry, my brain isn’t a microwave…takes me time to suss deep things out.

Probably just that it is in the most basic of senses a double standard. But in any kind of detail the issues of social media censorship and driver safety are vastly different beasts.

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The argument that Zuckerman etc make is that they are simply the conduits and should not be held responsible for the content. The reasoning is that controlling them is like controlling newspapers by the government doling out newsprint (which in fact governments have done many times when they’re trying to appear not so obvious in their censorship).
OTOH, they also claim the right to ban persons that violate their varying (and confusing) standards.
You are free to set up your own company- but right-wing social media site Getter (an obvious copy of Twitter) was forced to immediately suspend right-wing commenter Baked Alaska, in spite of advertising itself as ‘cancel-free’ and saying it is dedicated to “fighting cancel culture, promoting common sense, defending free speech, challenging social media monopolies, and creating a true marketplace of ideas.” Harder than it looks to walk the fine line between censorship and giving someone a megaphone?