Be Aware of Where or Who You Eat From

Are you recommending Chef Gordon Ramsey perform the food safety inspections in Taiwan?

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I hear it’s a bowel-loosening thrill ride of a movie.

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No. But there are food inspections agents who would agree with Chef Ramsey on several things.

That movie would have been more bowel loosening if I got to see it in 3D with the motion effects inside of a theatre.

I’d think it was bowel loosening enough for you as it was. :grin:

Be careful out there, the life is full of dangers, especially if you adventure yourself eating out. Stay safe, stay in. :upside_down_face:

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Pin-pointing the source of food poisoning is tricky. It can be the ingredients, but more often it’s the personal hygiene of those preparing the food. Hand washing is a big issue with the typical age make-up of a kitchen brigade.


The worst dose I got was from luo bao gao radish cake. Put me out of action for a week and was not right for months afterwards !

Now I have the iron stomach from hell.

The only places I’ve ever had Montezuma’s revenge are Beijing and Bali. Gotta watch out for places starting with a B I guess. Bali belly is real… :grimacing:

That was almost 5 days ago. From the frequency it could be something like gardia bacteria. If you try to ride it out, it could be weeks.

I had something similar about a year ago, I had to put plastic bags on the bed just incase I farted in my sleep (which I did).

See a doctor, asap.

It’s not even 5 days yet.
That New Year’s Eve time I ate was in the night after 10 or 10:30 pm.
My digestive system started releasing at higher frequency since Friday,
but on Friday I never went to the toilet that often. Saturday night I didn’t
go too often either. Sunday was when it got worse. And today, I went
to the toilet 7 times. I experienced something like this before and didn’t see
a doctor, nor did I vomit or have nausea. If I have to see a doctor then I will.

oh, gastro issues along with diarrhea are also symptoms of covid.

so, instead of being a total asshole and spreading whatever you have, go see a doctor and get sorted out.

Even gardia is highly contagious.


Yep. It may not even be the food. There are several stomach cramp inducing viruses ( that go around each and every year here. They’re spread through the air or via touch. They’re typical, and some environments mean they are easier to catch. If it doesn’t resolve in 24 or 48 hours, you really should go see a doctor. In the meantime, keep up the hydration with fluids that include some salts, like soups or sports drinks!


Yeah. No. Raw fruit and vegetables aren’t the best for you right now.

In the meantime, eat white bread (plain & simple white bread) for 12~18 hours. Avoid milk or fatty foods. Then start eating simple things, like boiled vegetables or white rice. Eat oil-less and unfried cooked food for a few days.

Avoid also higher fiber grains for the time being until things return to normal. You’ll know when you can try adding them to your diet again. The white bread/white rice may be against your typical dietary values… but most doctors here will suggest them when you can eat little else.

If you don’t have health insurance yet, then don’t be scared of going to doctors here. They’re okay and outpatient clinics (everywhere) won’t charge too much. I think I paid less than $1000 when I forgot my card one time.

I wish I could go anywhere and eat anything! Peanut allergy sucks in Asia.

A little diarrhoea is certainly preferable to death.

Thanks for sharing this information.

With regards to hand washing, the thing that I have seen
particularly in the 3 public schools where I teach that bothers
me, is the fat that the washrooms do not have any proper soap
for hand washing. All they have are just plain bars of soap for
hand washing, some of which have already fallen on the floor.
That is not good enough. So what I do is that I bring my own
hand sanitizer. In the other public toilets, it’s the same problem
Plus a good number of Taiwanese men are still not washing
their hands after they urinate.

(1) You work at three public schools;
(2) you have diarrhea for days;
(3) you won’t see a doctor

We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, you have the initial symptoms of covid, yet you won’t see a doctor.

three schools, so how many people do you come into contact every day.

But, who cares as long as you’re ok, right?


What’s wrong with bars of soap? There will be more bacteria on the bottle of hand sanitizer than on soap.

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Washing with contaminated bar soap is unlikely to transfer bacteria