Beach cleanups need to start with Taiwanese

Roaming around Dulan where apparently there was a big weekend beach cleanup last weekend.

I came across this today. Taiwanese pile of trash on the beach.


Ahh empty Paolyta-B bottles…the cornerstone of every great Taiwanese landscape.

Tell TK-Story the location. He’s looking for beaches to clean for his round the island beach clean up tour this summer.

I have a story there is a famous Taiwanese blogger that coordinates Beach cleanups and people come to see her but they don’t really do the beach cleanup.

Not the case with TK

People actually clean…despite the beach being relatively clean already.

He did a round the island beach clean up tour last summer and it was pretty successful. The video I posted is his idea of mixing music festival-esque atmosphere to beach clean ups. I was a bit upset I didn’t see his FB updates and couldn’t go. Otherwise I definitely would’ve been there in the sun picking up garbage.