Bedroom diminutives

Coincidently, I saw 老二 on a Facebook comment yesterday and didn’t know what they were talking about.
Until now… :wink:

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Well, it can also mean “second oldest son/daughter,” so obviously context is important.

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That I knew :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And they were clearly using the meaning discussed in this thread :relaxed:

Very weird double meaning. And what’s the similar slang for concubine?

It’s actually pretty logical. The eldest sibling is 老大, so if a guy is 老大, then his willie is 老二, or younger brother, i.e. didi (弟弟), which is another slang term for willie. And of course for women it’s meimei (妹妹).

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Ok, if no one else asks, I will: @marasan, how on earth did this thread re-emerge 17 years later?!


Not seeing 小穴 on this list…means “little cave.”


Makes me think of bats…

I made a comment about stinky tofu in another thread. This made me wonder about past discussions. I did a search using “stinky tofu” and this popped up. Strange.


FWIW, Da Lao Er (大老二) also refers to a card game that I’ve heard is vaguely similar to President (aka Asshole*). Is the 大 part of the bedroom diminutive?I’ve always heard it that way at least :smiley:

*Not intended as a political comment, this time, just different names for the same game :slight_smile: