Being a citizen not enough to bring parents over:(

Ok…try this, then. Have your parents get themselves a 1 year multiple entry visitor visa. Once they are here, they don’t need to do visa runs every 60 days. You just take them every 55 days or so to the Immigration department and they will stamp their passports and everything will be cool for the next 60 days. You can do this for a year. You just need to make sure that you have documentation attesting to your relationship. Your birth certificate would work. They can’t have health insurance, but it’s still very cheap.

I’ve got a friend that has been doing this for the past year and he’s just starting the second year. Here are the details.

  1. Friend has an employment based ARC.
  2. He has a worthless son who is over 22 years old. Worthless son barely finished high school. Has no other “education” to speak of. Doesn’t want to work at McDonald’s in America or do some other menial job, so he has come to freeload off of his father for an indefinite period of time. I’m guessing until retirement!
  3. Worthless son has a multiple entry visitor visa. Every 55 days my friend takes his worthless son to the immigration department to extend the visa by another 60 days without leaving the country.
  4. After one year, worthless son must make a new visa run to Macau or Hong Kong or Okinawa to apply for a new one year multiple entry visitor visa. He just completed this and he’s beginning his second year of freeloading!
    Another option for getting them an ARC would be to have them “work” as a volunteer (unpaid) for an international organization that could provide them with an ARC. I’m thinking that the World Wildlife Federation would be a good one. I know one guy whose been in Taiwan for over 30 years based on this organization’s sponsorship. If your parents can hang for 5 years doing this volunteer work…then they have health insurance and stay in Taiwan until they can apply for citizenship. How about that?