Bendihua (or "Localisation")

Why on earth does everything here not from the island have to go through a process of “Taiwanesification” ?

Why can’t I watch a Hong Kong film in the original Cantonese ? Will the very fabric of society be rent asunder if the soundtrack isn’t amateurishly dubbed into Mandarin ?

Why in the name of all that is Holy can I not get Sichuan food with f*&king Sichuan peppers in it !!? I can get better Sichuan food in London ! “Ooh we don’t like Sichuan peppers so we’ll just leave them out” - I’m lost for words.

And a note for Carnegie’s: don’t ever refer to margarine as butter. There is no place for margarine in the modern world. You should know better.

Damn I share your grief taiwan beer…
One can not find decent food and entertainment in taiwan…
Taiwanese is monolingual. Or perhaps would-be bilingual. many are raised by filipino maid today.
but bendihua is not the common term they used here. Something like taiwanhua is more appropriate…

I have to carry tabasco around to get my peppersification right…
I ain’t mexican yeah…but sort of a tabasconian…


[quote=“ax”]bendihua is not the common term they used here. Something like taiwanhua is more appropriate…ax[/quote]Ax, it’s not hua as in language, but hua as in “culture”, or “___________ization” or “________ize”. And if I recall correctly, the term most commonly used is bentuhua.

you are not wrong…
localization is bentuhua

I’m going to try and type Chinese. This’ll be a laugh…

or possibly


did that work ?

[quote=“Taiwan Beer”]I’m going to try and type Chinese. This’ll be a laugh…

My nipples explode with delight
or possibly

My hovercraft is full of eels

did that work ?[/quote]Looks fine to me

how about usa for example…ever seen a european or asian movie which is not dubbed into english? they even make hollywood movies out of asian movies, so that the american public can see white faces in their movies…

europe as far as i know is not much better…u can’t find real asian food here, it’s always adjusted to the european taste, even if the cook is from asia…and so is european food in asia…or has anyone of u ate real spaghetti or pizza in a local taiwanese restaurant before, besides the ones with italian cooks of course…

The Americans even make American versions of British TV programmes :unamused:

The Indian food in UK does seem to have been adjusted for UK palettes. I was in Singapore and decided to have an Indian meal so went over to the Indian quarter find a restuarant, ordered the mildest thing I know, turned out to be the hottest thing I’d ever had :shock:

Maybe all of you are in some different category becuase you’ve left your home country and traveled, but the average Joe (average Zhang?) who has never done so and only speaks one language or maybe that plus a local dialect normally wants to see things that look familiar and home-like. It’s simply a question of the market. Same reason why ICRT is teeny-bopper – the market demand, right? (OK, might be a deeper reason operating on THAT one, who knows.) :wink:

[quote=“mesheel”]how about USA for example…ever seen a European or Asian movie which is not dubbed into English?[/quote]Yes. Lots.

I cannot speak for the USA, but I have watched several series of foreign films (including Chinese) broadcast by both the BBC and Channel 4 in the UK, and they were all in the original language with subtitles. And the subtitles were accurate (but I can only vouch for the Chinese).

depends on the size and politics of ur home country i guess…as far as i know, they don’t dub, just subtitle, movies in scandinavia, since it’s not really worth doing it for such few people. as for germany and france they dub everything into german, resp. french, but switzerland has both, undubbed and dubbed german, respl. french versions of movies.
as for the taste of food, chinese food in europe is just not the same as chinese food in asia. even though the cooks are chinese, they do adjust their food for the average european customer. or can u believe someone in europe eating spicy sichuan, without getting laduzi the next day???

I totally agree with you, Taiwan Beer, and here’s a synopsis of what “Taiwan Flavor” is:

I was a chef in 1993 and I cooked Korean food for a while and then Thai food. In Taiwan, the food has “little flavor–but slightly sweet”. If you cook this way, Taiwanese will like it. If you’ve been to a “Dan-Bi” or “Ming-Xin” bakery, you’ll notice that the bread (IF you even call that bread) is a little sweet. Taiwanese people have a hard time distinguishing the difference between a “cracker” and a “cookie”, not just because they’re the same words in Chinese (Bing Gan), but because to make them palatable to Taiwanese they have to be “slightly sweet”. This makes them virtually the same, so the confusion is understandable.

The trick to cooking Thai food is to balance the four flavours: sweet, spicy, sour, and salty. When Taiwanese eat real Thai food, they always say “It’s so sour, salty, and hot”, but they’ll never say it’s sweet, because that’s the flavor they’re used to.

Taiwan’s “spicy pot” food is around 70,000 on the Scoville Heat Scale, whereas the spiciest Thai food can reach 200,000. Taiwanese people simply can’t handle the spicy nature of food from other areas.

Once I made 3 batches of Korean “kimchi”. One for myself (VERY hot and “special”), one for Korean friends in “original” Koren taste (the Koreans loved it), and one that was a teeny bit hot and slightly sweet (the Taiwanese friends emptied that container in minutes). They tried all three, but they scarfed down the “slightly sweet” version.

If you make really hot Sichuan food in Taiwan, that’s great. If you want to sell it, however, you’re cooking for a very small audience, because Taiwanese people just don’t dig any flavor except “a little sweet.”

I am not terribly impressed with comparisons with the USA. I know nothing whatsoever about the USA. I think it’s south of Canadia. I think they dubbed Mad Max into American English and have subtitles for Eastenders. 'Nuff said.

However I would be interested if someone could provide a list of authentic restaurants of all sorts. I find the food here just all tastes like a version of Chinese food. Sichuan food is Taiwanese Sichuan food. French food is Taiwanese French food. And so on. I’ve found the Japanese food to be excellent though in certain restaurants.

Er, I suppose this should go in the restaurant forum ? But it sort of about Taiwanesification…

Remember “Eyes Wide Shut”? In the U.S., they put little blurry patches over the scenes of naked people fornicating–even for the video version. No appreciation of art.

That IS irritating, how the Taiwanese insist on dubbing AND subtitling at the same time. Of course this goes back to Chiang Kai-shek, who didn’t want to give any encouragement to any other language except Mandarin.