Best novels for high school aged ESL learners in Taiwan (preferably American)

Hi, I’m a teacher at a high school in Taiwan. I’m working in a bilingual program here and want to introduce a unit where students choose a novel to read throughout the semester and at the end of the semester, present a report on it including slides about characterization, plot, metaphor, ECT. (Sort of like book reports we had to do in the us growing up)

I’m wondering if anyone had suggestions on novels that would be not impossible for them to read but would still be entertaining enough to get them interested in reading more English novels/ boost interest in English?

I was thinking the discworld novels might be good (I know it’s British) maybe Douglas Adams? Should I consider the ya genre?

  1. what level proficiency are we talking about?

  2. is abridged allowed or do you want original texts only?

Plenty of ideas in this thread:

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I think abridged may be ok.

Unfortunately their levels are mixed. Some students are far more advanced. This is part of why I am choosing this assignment. Since every student will choose a different novel, theoretically it should allow for learning at different speeds, since some might get to choose easier texts than others. I’m hoping this could help with the issue of unequal distribution of english ability at least a little bit. The grade is the equivalent of 10th grade in the us