Best way to avoid / lower import tax

Bullshit and nonsense, again.


So what’s the operating cost of a car for you? Or do you just enjoy being keyboard warriors?

None of your business, suffice to say considerably less than “like about 15,000nt a month”

That good English again, the neighbors must be so jealous!

So gas must be cheap and so are insurance and traffic fines, tires, brake pads, timing belts, and mechanics.


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You should have just left it at that as the rest of your post is just a guess, you know the people on here who actually own and use a car will call you out on it.


In Taiwan, yeah

These are easy to avoid, and not heavy

These last more than a month.

If you insist on spreading bullshit on topics you don’t know about, don’t get upset when people call you out on it.


Or even better, just internalize the “I don’t know” and not say anything when you have nothing useful to contribute.

That’s what I did. I don’t know anything about import tax and haven’t driven a car for 20+ years. I don’t expect anyone to give a toss about my car-driving skills though, so I didn’t mention it.


If just this is used it would be a marked improvement on some posts and he gets to participate.

Did you get 15,000 in fines? :wink:
(if you did get that about of fines in one month I don’t think you would be driving long)

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