Beyond Virgins - A Yarn

Also, Filipina 3 is somewhat autistic and most of these girls are orphans.

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Plus #4 from the mountains


Conquestio, Glorior

Half orphans. Does that mean one parent is dead?


This is much better than the other explanation. :grimacing:

I have no idea what the answers to your questions are, but you could probably make quite a bit of money selling a short anthology of drunken rambling on Amazon. You would then be less poor, so you could afford to go to the gym, and potentially attract a better class of slightly less weird girls. Although I suppose if that happened, your supply of yarns would dwindle and you’d be unable to write a Volume 2, you’d be skint again, and back to square one.

Best to just make the most of the current scenario while it lasts.


hahaha, thanks

Interesting. Maybe you right and I should pay more attention, but I have no energy for that. It comes naturally or I just leave it.

Just her finger.

The Filipino feels lonely. She’d probably make a good nun. The Taipei chick is looking for a partner she can control. The invite to Chinese New Year with her family is essentially the introduction. It’s like the first step before asking to marry. On the plus side the repair chick will most likely have sex with you after you’ve met her family. On the negative she may just be looking for a disposable sperm donor for her retirement plan (the kid going to work around the age the mother retires).

Really enjoyed the yarn though. Had a farm-team-level hockey bus driver friend in Canada years ago who used to tell similar stories of chasing 2 or 3 at a time
such as the time he and the coach nailed a deaf mother-daughter puck-fuck duo.


“Repair”? Do you mean the girl from Taipei? She was three nights with me. No demand of meeting her family first for having sex. As I said

By that I mean she has seen me naked. Of course it was because we didn’t play chess, we did other things. Horizontal sport, I call it.

The student is too young to introduce me to her parents, in my opinion.

Wow, that’s long term planning.

At the moment I am happy with my decision to be with the Filipina.


Just finger her.

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I wish!

Yes. One parent. Maybe there’s a word for that… I don’t know.

Single parented child / person.

I know you are joking. But, believe it or not, pretty much exactly this thing happened… to a… uhm… friend of mine. On Tinder that was. So: Even it sounds unlikely, there are this kind of virgins out there, that want exactly what you described, for exactly this reason.

Good luck.


Thanks for the info. I will update my Tinder profile and state clearly which services I do offer and what I expect in return. Let’s help those TaiwaneseVirgins® to finally become real women.

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Why there, is it they are lots of single people in the army there (I guess more men there)? Seems lot of females here in KHH, why not here

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