Bicycle crashed into me - Nobody's fault - She wants me to pay 5000NT

Taiwanese can become uncivilized peasant-like brutes when they think they can get money from you post-accident.

Since it’s only 5000 NT and you can probably afford it I would go to the meetings and stand firm that this was a bona fide accident. Document everything.


I would try to stick blame on the guy who was parked there, regardless of them saying he was parked legally, it’s still a thoughtless act which literally caused this accident. And the cops are just brushing it aside? Its a joke.


If you can bring a friend, do that, since they will have a better handle on when/how/if to handle the cultural cues. I would try to treat it dispassionately as a learning experience, even though I’m sure it’s really annoying right now.


Go get a agreement paper in Chinese which states that with the 5000 NTD are all present and future liabilities resulting from this accident are paid off.
If you give her 5000 without it, it could be an admission of guilt.
Pay the money and move on.


I’d let her know you want $5000 for the damage she caused you. But you’re willing to call it even if she backs off.
A countersuit will cost her time and money too and for $5000 she may decide it’s not worth it. I wouldn’t give in to a bully no matter how cheap it is.


I remember there’s a law saying that cars should slow down whenever they see a sidewalk.
But that could be an American law or a Japanese law or a Singaporean law…
I got confused easily :flushed:

I agree with dan2006 tho
She’ll probably back down eventually since it doesn’t worth a trial
A lot of ppl use compensation to scare you into compliance
And usually the judg favors the more… carless person
So I think youll be fine if you stand your ground

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You are on the shorter end here, because you caused her bodily harm.
I am not a lawyer, but I’d make sure that with the 5000 NTD I left this behind and would not turn around!

She has to prove it
If this go to court, the plaintiff has to prove you guilty
Not the other way around
If she was really hurt that bad
She should’ve shown the Op her medical record
And she would have told th op what’s happened to her, internal bleeding, concussion, etc.
But we got nothing here
Going to the hospital doesn’t prove anything
The judge isn’t going to ask you to pay that much for a bruise
Plus the police also said that’s no ones fault
It’s better to put that in writing tho

I say go to the mediation first and see what she’s got
There’s no need to panic beforehand
It’s a bike accident I mean…


Here is my advise. I am not a lawyer.
To cause bodily harm is a criminal offence. Who is guilty and who is not does not matter here. First of all, you don’t want this hanging over you, since it could screw your life in many ways.
Secondly 5000NTD is not a big amount of money.
Get some legal advice how to pay and get her sign an agreement that frees you of all future claims.
and then move on.
Drive more carefully in the future.

As far as I understand, the OP was walking (running) and is being threatened by a bicycle rider that drove into them.


You are right, but he ran onto her lane.
I still would pay and forget about it. However, I remember more legal cases here on this site where someone thought he/she had to fight for what they believed was right and paid a heavy price.

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No. Payments are arranged after mediation if both agreed to it or judge will order them when it goes to court.

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She bloodied the OP.

Who caused harm to who?

Who failed to meet their duty of care in this circumstance? Who was behaving in a negligent or reckless fashion? From the description, I’d say each person 50% at fault, because both were being a little reckless or not watching out.

If it were me, I would go to mediation, demand medical records for any claim of Damages, play up my own damages, and insist I want 10,000!

(But privately, I would be prepared to pay $5,000 if it looks like things are stacked against me.)


laf or city government provide legal counselling for free.


I’d also call 1999 and request them to paint a red line there even install a mirror if necessary
And if the judge want me to pay a single penny I’d blame it on the government for allowing a view blocking truck to operate at a place like this


I’ve had this suspicion for a while, too. The risks they take are too insane to be random. They’re either looking for a big payout or death - either will be a relief for them.

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Someone rides into you, falls down, and gets hurt in the process…

… and YOU become a criminal? That would be an astonishing turn of events.

Not saying that is what happened. Need some footage to make a judgement. I don’t like the interpretation of law in Taiwan that’s for sure.

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it may depends on situations. If the place is within 10m from intersection, I think behicles have to yield to pedestrians.
A behicle may be supposed to be driven with a speed that it can
safely avoid obstacles, especially when visibility is poor. etc.


Wait im not clear if you were running in the bike lane, or running on the cross walk ?
Bike lane , bike path? Was there both? That seems strange…
If your running on the bike lane it could be your fault imo ,
If your running on the crosswalk its :100: her fault cause she needs to be walking her bike dem the rules.

Police :policeman: dont care , they hate these little things
Fighting for yourself at the seen is best .
Also giving the wrong phone number is a good idea. Then she can’t call you

Wow, amazing that something bigger didn’t collide with you!

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