Bicycle DUI

Story of the day! Hats off to @LondonSpice

I heard the other day someone got three points on their driving license for being drunk on their bicycle at 3am on Tower Bridge. Seems a bit unfair. Bicycles don’t have electric motors, well mostly.

I now have a burning ambition to be drunk in charge of a steam engine.

If you were drunk in charge of a horse, couldn’t you claim that you are not, in fact, in charge, on the basis that the horse is an intelligent creature and completely capable of finding its way safely home even if you were comatose?

EDIT: oops, I see tango42 just said the same thing.

For that you would have to demonstrate that you were not commanding the horse in any way.

Would you? Surely you’d just have to demonstrate that a horse can’t be commanded to (say) wander into incoming traffic. I’m not being entirely serious here, but it seems to me that since the DUI concept is predicated on the concept that a dumb machine can be commanded to destroy itself (and its occupant) while a horse has at least a certain sense of self-preservation, the legal argument about who is in charge ceases to be purely academic.

After reading this thread, I’d have to say that some people were woke ahead of their time.

I lived in a small town in the USA in high school for a couple years.

On weekends everybody commonly had a cooler of beer in the trunk of the car.

Once or twice a year the police would pull you over for some minor driving infraction and guess what they did?

They made us pour out the beer on the street and let us drive away.

Everyone was under 18 years old. People under 18 years old and people over 18 years old always rode different cars because anyone over 18 might be held responsible.

Albert, is that you?



You mean for the word to get paid extra for its second job like anyone else (including a woman) would? Or you mean for the word to get paid extra women? If the former, of course. If the latter, I have no idea how that works, but there’s probably a DVD about it.