Bicycle stolen, does it happen often?

arg, my bike just got stolen as well, from Taipower MRT station yesterday. what a pain! I thought that locking it to a rack in a crowd of bikes that were nicer and had wussier locks would keep mine safe, how foolish of me! only two months old, but at least I’d bought the cheapest one in the shop…
I’m actually still pretty surprised at the casual way that people lock up their bikes around here - just locking the wheel to the frame and not actually attaching the bike to anything. Places I’ve lived in the US, it seems like those bikes would be gone in a minute. I used to have to lock both wheels and frame to something and take the seat with me whenever I left my (crappy) bike anywhere public. And I still had stuff stolen.
oh well, back to the bike shop tomorrow I suppose

Thats terrible really, I wouldve thought bicycle theft was largely a thing of the past now that there are so many motorcycles.? But then I guess motos have to be registered and bikes dont.

Probably kids doing it ?

As I now continue my life in Finland, a short update: I never heard of my bike since going to police.

zyzzx, my condolences.

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