Big Bird drops the "F" Bomb on Sesame street

Supreme Court debates TV expletives

FCC VS FOX TV INC. (Court Transcripts)

The transcripts are funnier. :laughing:

The tension in the crowded courtroom gave way to laughter when 88-year-old Justice John Paul Stevens asked whether the FCC would sanction a broadcaster if the indecent remark ā€œwas really funny.ā€

Iā€™m finding it fascinating that Jack Bauer isnā€™t allowed to say anything stronger than ā€˜damnitā€™, ā€˜hellā€™, or ā€˜son of a bitchā€™, but heā€™s allowed to torture people with electric shocks, neurotoxins, semi-drowning, stabbings, lacerations and perforations using a variety of sharp implements, beatings using a variety of blunt instruments, and the extreme distension or dislocation of limbs.

What are you, anti-American?

What are you, anti-American?[/quote]

Not at all. In this particular case Iā€™m simply interested in the fact that profanity is considered more worthy of censorship than extreme violence, which is often completely gratuitous. As a matter of fact, I have discovered that watching endless episodes of 24 back to back has a serious psychological effect. The moment Jack gets hold of someone even remotely suspicious these days, I find myself urging him to get out the knife, electric cables, and ball peen hammer, and cut straight to the chase.

I have wondered, given the extremely positive portrayal of torture in this series, if thereā€™s a political agenda behind it.

What are you, anti-American?[/quote]

Not at all. In this particular case Iā€™m simply interested in the fact that profanity is considered more worthy of censorship than extreme violence, which is often completely gratuitous. As a matter of fact, I have discovered that watching endless episodes of 24 back to back has a serious psychological effect. The moment Jack gets hold of someone even remotely suspicious these days, I find myself urging him to get out the knife, electric cables, and ball peen hammer, and cut straight to the chase.

I have wondered, given the extremely positive portrayal of torture in this series, if thereā€™s a political agenda behind it.[/quote]

You sound dangerously liberal to me! :howyoudoin:

Iā€™m more concerned by the way the show seems to be desensitizing me to torture.

[quote=ā€œSouthpark: Bigger, Longer and Uncutā€]
"Horrific, deplorable violence is ok as long as you donā€™t say any naughty words![/quote]

You could make similar arguments about U.S. portrayal/publication of nudity & sexual content.

We have shows like CSI depicting graphic murder scenes, rotting bodies and autopsies complete with CG viscera and extreme closeups, to the point where I donā€™t care to watch anymore. But those same shows would get fined for showing a boob at the beach or having a character speak like a normal person.

Meanwhile, shows in Europe & Japan (maybe Taiwan - I dunno since our TV service sucks) donā€™t show nearly that level of violent content, even in the ā€œcop dramaā€ shows, but are far more open about sexuality/nudity. They put the 18+ disclaimer up in Germany & then proceed to show naked girls dancing all night long after the late edition news is over.

Part of the problem with a country founded by violent prudes I guessā€¦ Oh well.