Bio Aid Drinks

Does anybody know anything about these drinks?

The manufacturer makes a lot of claims about how these drinks can improve your health, and there’s testimonies from various people in their promotional material , but I can’t find any actual proof to support the claims.

Right now I’ve got a broken bone, my wife is convinced that this stuff has miraculous healing powers. She bought a load, and I’m drinking it to keep her happy. She got a bit upset when I called it snake oil.

The 995 stuff in particular is surely an acquired taste. I haven’t acquired the taste yet, but like I said, I’m drinking it to keep her happy.


It will do absolutely nothing for a broken bone. Pure snake oil. They’ve just thrown together as many ingredients as they can get that’ll still get past the FDA and then claimed it’ll cure cancer, piles and the clap. Plus it’ll start your motor in the morning and double as a paint stripper.


It costs a pretty penny, on top of all that!

Reaction Phase 1: “Oh lord no, why are you even thinking about using anything like that?!”

Reaction Phase 2: “Ah, now I get it.”

What’s the line? “You just don’t understand Taiwanese culture.” Although based on what you’re doing to ensure happiness, I guess you do understand it. Good luck!

Maybe consider yourself lucky it’s packaged, so presumably has to meet some kind of toxicity standards. At least it wasn’t brewed in the back yard of some Taoist-Buddhist master in the countryside.


Not much more you can do, I’m afraid. The fact that it costs a fortune is proof that it works.

Six weeks from now your broken bone will be back to normal, and your wife will tell you “see, I told you it works!”.


This is EXACTLY whats going to happen. As soon as she bought the stuff I teased her about this.


Hey now you have proof your wife’s cares about you

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Ensure its better
Bio aid 990 teste horrible

Beer is better than both.

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If it’s too good to be true, it is.