Blame foreign babies

I know I didn’t say it’s effective but it’s getting a lot of attention and airtime and there was that lady vet suicide which prompted the law change.

It’s not clear what happens to the kids in state care. BTW my wife used to volunteer at an orphanage and they have always had a high percentage of mixed kids.

A fair number of the kids had under aged mothers or from broken homes, they would see their mothers once in a blue moon. Heart breaking stuff.

You know there’s a horrible phenomenon where some parents or single mothers would abandon the kids from a previous relationship in order to get married again. I’d Say it’s pretty rare these days though (total abandonment that is…although I do know kids that have been completely abandoned by their fathers after their parents got divorced…what a shit bag eh?)

Do the kids in state care get access to a state ID if their parent abandon them? I really hope they do.