Bob the builder a great Theologist

So, to demonstrate an official EU position, you give us an article by…


…an American fake news “think tank” with a funny habit of changing its name every few years. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, a website where the top link in the sidebar is “Denmark in a State of Unreported Collapse”. :runaway:


At least the website is courteous enough to provide a link to an actual ECHR press release about the case it spends a whole article misrepresenting, which turns out to be…

:drum: :drum:

the same freaking case from Austria we already talked about! :wall:

The Whatever-It’s-Called Institute’s main point:

No, as you would know if you bothered to read the judgement I quoted extensively the other day in this very thread, the court affirmed a member state’s right to interpret international human rights law in accordance with its own national standards, instead of being obligated to change its own law to conform with foreign opinion.

In other words, the European Court of Human Rights affirmed Austria’s sovereignty. Last time I checked, that was exactly the opposite of what pan-European (and global) institutions were accused of doing by Euroskeptics (and anti-globalists).

The whatever-it’s-called institute’s article goes on to insinuate that this case was prosecuted at the behest of the dreaded Islamo-Globalist Conspiracy! :runaway: and not because there was a violation of the 1974 Criminal Code of Austria. (Incidentally, would you prefer the 1852 Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 10 years of hard labor?)

Btw, the judgement is still pending one last appeal, so we may not have heard the last of this.

And again, I am not taking a stance on whether or not the ECHR should interpret international law the way it does. I’m not even taking a stance on whether Austrian law should be what it is. But it is what it is, and it’s not what those echo chamber websites keep feeding you.

Don’t make me start Trump-meming this thread… :no_no:

I was talking about blasphemy and law. That segued into hate speech and law, but now you’re getting away from law and into identity politics in general. I think that’s a discussion worth having, but I won’t be part of it (here).

Can Shia do better? :praying:

@discobot fortune

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