Borders on images posted here?

Does anyone know if it’s possible to use BBCode to put borders on images when we post them? I’ve looked online but can only find code for HTML, which we can’t use here. Any ideas? I’m trying to make this post more pretty: [url]Animals for Adoption at Ex Animo Rescue


[quote=“Taiwan Animal SOS”]Does anyone know if it’s possible to use BBCode to put borders on images when we post them? I’ve looked online but can only find code for HTML, which we can’t use here. Any ideas? I’m trying to make this post more pretty: [url]Animals for Adoption at Ex Animo Rescue

use (the hidden) [imgb]URL[/imgb]
I adjusted your top post. Any other style suggestion; let us know.

Great! That’s much nicer. Thank you (and for editing the OP)!