Boris Johnson will be the UKs next PM

The Eton comedy club is going from strength to strength. Straight to the top jobs without even time spent on the stand up circuit.


Trump and Boris have the same hair (piece).

That’s the reason they love each other so much.


The first part of your statement is incorrect. Boris Johnson went to Eton and Oxford. Neither of these institutions confers the relevant education or skills to be a clown.


Is Boris really that bad? It seems like this is the usual fake news drama being stirred up again.

That’s a standard British army salute, the hair is not military issue :wink:

The man is well educated, but he does enjoy playing the amiable buffoon. That’s all.

Why does everything have to have drama? The internet is just a billion monkeys hanging from trees, all screaming ‘look at me!’.

Just let the man govern.

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But then how will the BBC, the Gruniad etc etc survive? They need to paint him as a retard and/or a threat to democracy to attract some clicks. He also has potential because his name sounds a bit Russian, so if you thought that the Trump Russia Conspiracy was idiotic you may want to buckle up and get ready for endless leaks from anonymous sources familiar with the matter that show undeniable proofs of BJ being a Russian puppet.


Seeing most of the negative comments to be about his looks. I think he’s probably not that bad at least.

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You know, that’s just so superficial.

They just pass the key around.

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If no deal brexit screws things up…He’s that bad.
The guy is a spoofer but he moves in the right circles and has the right accent .

If he can?!?!?

He’s a hacker?
was he the one that just hacked Russia intelligence organization?

He says he will try to get rid of Sadiq Khan so I think he’s all right. No one has yet to point to anything specific and concrete that’s negative about him.

Another fart like Trump!


as kids, if one of my brothers farted, someone would blurt out “sweet smell of success”

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Steady :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The election of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to Prime Minister is the latest in an uninterrupted list of PMs, going back to Gordon Brown (2007), who weren’t selected by the public but, rather, were selected by their respective parties or managed to cobble enough support from politicians to prop themselves up without a public mandate. Furthermore, over half the members of the Conservative Party (the insignificant group who elected him) are over 55 years old and over a third of them are over 65 years old.

Is this the “democracy” we’re always told we have?


Excuse my ignorance of the particulars of British politics in regards to how a PM comes into power. But for example, federalism in an important concept in the US and we utilize an electoral college to elect the president as a constitutional republic and not direct democracy. And for good reasons imo.

How exactly does it work in the UK?